In today’s Little Lesson, David Servant answers a question from a viewer who is having a disagreement with her husband and is unable to make any progress. Discover a simple but powerful secret for resolving such disagreements within marriage.
David Servant
How Can a Pastor Make a Living Pastoring a House Church?
A Little Lesson
If you’ve followed David Servant’s teaching, you know that he’s been addressing the subject of house churches in great detail. Some people wonder how a pastor can make a living pastoring a house church. Since pastoring a simple, disciple-making church doesn’t take a lot of time, can a house church pastor justify being paid for his role? Learn more in this Little Lesson!
How Can I Find Other Spiritually Hungry People Like Myself?
A Little Lesson
Are you looking for other spiritually hungry people like yourself to enjoy fellowship with? Where and how do you find them? In this episode of Little Lessons, David Servant addresses these questions, offering advice for everyone craving authentic Christian fellowship. Learn more!
“Am I a Pharisee?”
A Little Lessons Series
In this Little Lessons series, David Servant invites readers to examine themselves for any trace of being like the Pharisees. By the end of this series, you might be surprised what you learn about yourself!
Is It a Sin to Drink Alcohol?
A Little Lesson
Is it a sin to drink alcohol on any occasion according to the Bible? Or is it just drunkenness that Scripture condemns? Learn more in this episode of Little Lessons!
What Does the Bible Teach About Suicide?
A Little Lessons Series
What does the Bible have to say about suicide? Are there some cases of suicide that aren’t sinful? Learn more in this new Little Lessons series!
What Does the Bible Teach About Homosexuality?
A Little Lessons Series
In this Little Lesson series, David Servant looks extensively at what the Bible teaches about homosexuality, maintaining a balance of graciousness and a commitment to the unchanging message of Scripture.
Totally Loving My Tiny Church
By David Servant
You have, perhaps, heard of the “tiny house movement.” If you haven’t, a quick search on the internet for “tiny house” will yield about 55 million results. One could say that tiny houses are quite big these days.

The folks who are living in tiny houses seem to love them, elated over the benefits of simplified living. They speak of how nice it is to live in just a few hundred square feet of space and being free of debt, clutter, major maintenance and so on.
Of course, as much as those of us in the “not-so-tiny-house movement” (still the majority) might admire tiny-house enthusiasts, we can think of a few disadvantages to tiny houses. Like “you can’t have any kids,” and “it’s kind of nice to live in more than one room,” and “forget about having friends come for dinner during inclement weather,” or “can’t let visitors stay overnight.”
In any case, there are definitely “different strokes for different folks.” And although I’m an unlikely candidate for scaling down into a tiny house, I have surprised myself by scaling down into a tiny church (which meets in my not-so-tiny house).
Are There People Whom Christians Should Shun?
A Little Lessons Series
Shunning is certainly a biblical subject, there’s no mistaking that. But I’m afraid that too many times, we Christians are not shunning the people we’re supposed to be shunning, and we are shunning people that we’re not supposed to be shunning.
What Is a Disciple-Making Movement?
A Little Lesson
We know that Jesus wants us to make disciples. He told His disciples, “Go make disciples. Teach them to obey all that I’ve commanded you.” Therefore, one of the things that Jesus’ disciples taught their disciples was to go make disciples, teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded. It’s a generational discipleship commandment. Every Christian should be involved in the making of disciples, which of course starts with sharing the gospel and leading people to Christ and then helping them grow in Christ.