Bible Verses About Fear

Fear is an obstacle in life that we all must face. Much research has been done to discover what causes a person to have fears and how to overcome them. God’s Word is the ultimate source of wisdom and provides us with many promises to help us both face and overcome our fears.

picture of a man overcoming fear

Below is a collection of Bible verses to help you in your own journey of conquering fear.

Bible Verses About Working Together

No matter what business you work for or what your job title is, teamwork is critical to your success. Working well with clients, colleagues, your boss and other coworkers can help you finish your work more quickly while also creating a pleasant environment for yourself and others. A healthy, high-functioning workplace is often one that stresses teamwork.

Picture of a hands working togther

God’s Word says much about working together, and not just in a corporate setting. In Scripture, we find wisdom about how to work well with others in ministry and in the Church.

The Bible verses below will help you better understand teamwork and the skills you need to develop to work well with others.

Bible Verses About Wisdom

Wisdom is more important than mere knowledge. The Bible is full of guidelines that enable us to live with wisdom.

Picture of ideas coming our of a book

We’ve collected several verses below on the subject of wisdom. We’ve also included every mention of the word “wisdom” in the NASB translation. We hope that these verses are a help to you as you study God’s Word.

Bible Verses About Serving Others

Serving others may seem like a humble act. But in the eyes of God, it is an act of a true leader. Jesus once washed His disciple’s feet to demonstrate the importance of serving others. He didn’t just teach us through words but through His ministry here on earth and His personal example.

picture of a group of volunteers

Below are verses we’ve collected on the subject of service. We’ve also included every mention of the word “service” in the NASB translation. We hope that these verses are a help to you as you study God’s Word.

Bible Verses About Stress

Even if you aren’t aware of it, stress may be hurting both your mental and physical health. You may believe that something else is to blame for that throbbing headache, frequent insomnia, or a drop in work productivity. But stress may actually be the cause.

Picture of a stressed man

Below are some verses that can help you overcome or manage stress.

Solomon’s Sex-Filled Song

Sex is for Christians! Biblical Insights for a Lifetime of Purity and Pleasure - Chapter 10

PLEASE NOTE: This e-teaching is not appropriate for children, preadolescents, and many adolescents.

Solomon's Sex-Filled Song, Part 1 (Header Image)

How beautiful and how delightful you are,
My love, with all your charms!
Your stature is like a palm tree,
And your breasts are like its clusters.
I said, “I will climb the palm tree,
I will take hold of its fruit stalks.”
Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
And the fragrance of your breath like apples,
And your mouth like the best wine! (Song 7:6-9a).

Many people wonder how the Song of Solomon ever made it into the Jewish and Christian Bible. The usual explanation is that it was likely authored by Solomon (although no one knows for sure) who, according to 1 Kings 4:32, famously authored 1,005 songs. Beyond that, some theologians say that the sensuous scenes described in its chapters are actually allegories of God’s love for Israel or, prophetically, of Jesus’ love for His bride, the church.

It is certainly possible that a prolific polygamist and songwriter could have authored the Song of Songs, as it is alternatively called. Is it, however, an allegory for God’s love? No such claim is made anywhere within the Song of Solomon or elsewhere in the Bible. And I can’t resist asking: Is God’s love for His people truly analogous to a man admiring a woman’s breasts? Moreover, was Israel’s reciprocated love towards God of equal magnitude to His love for them, as is depicted between the lovers in Solomon’s song? Has the church’s reciprocated love been of equal magnitude? If God wanted to describe His devotion to Israel or the church with a marital metaphor, wouldn’t it seem more appropriate if He focused on His covenantal relationship and redemptive sacrifice, as He unmistakably did in other places in Scripture (for example, Is. 54:5-7; Hos. 2:19-20; Eph. 5:25-27)?

Bible Verses About Lying

The Bible has much to say about the subject of lying. Scripture contains warnings against lying and stories about people who lied and lived with the consequences of their sin.

Picture of the word Lies

We’ve collected several verses below on the subject of lying. We’ve also included every mention of the word “lying” in the NASB translation. We hope that these verses are a help to you as you study God’s Word.

Bible Verses About Music

From the creation of man in Genesis to the end of the world in Revelation, music is a prominent theme in the Bible.

Picture of a man playing guitar

Below is a collection of Bible verses about music. We’ve also included every mention of the word “music” in the NASB translation. We hope that these scriptures are a help to you as study what God’s Word has to say on this subject.

Bible Verses About Giving

The Bible has a lot to say about the subject of giving. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God has always desired that His people give as an expression of their faith in Him.

Picture of a man giving food to the needy

We’ve gathered several verses below on the subject of giving. We’ve also included every mention of the word “giving” in the NASB translation. We hope that this collection of Scripture is a help to you as you study God’s Word.