Loving your enemies, is that a New or an Old Testament concept? The question we’re asking today is about a very familiar commandment, love your enemies. Everybody knows Jesus said that. Everybody knows Jesus said that in the Sermon on the Mount. But some folks were saying that that’s something that the world never heard before and that a new ethic, a new standard of morality. Jesus is raising the bar now that he’s come to the earth and he’s got a set of followers. He’s expecting more out of them than God expected out of anyone before them.
David Servant
Is It Wrong for Christians to Swear on the Bible?
A Daily Little Lesson
Is it wrong for Christians to swear on the Bible? We’re asking a question about swearing on the Bible because we’re reading a portion of the Scripture that is applicable to that very question, Jesus’s prohibition, not against making oaths, but His prohibition against making oaths that are coupled with swearing on something, like the Bible, although He didn’t use that example in the examples that He gave.
What Is a Surefire Way to Know If Somebody Is a Liar?
A Daily Little Lesson
What is a surefire way to know if somebody is a liar? We are working our way through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, the early part at least, looking at those six times that the Lord said, “You have heard it was said, but I say to you,” and He’s not, of course, going to contradict Himself or contradict the law of Moses, which He gave, even though some people seem to think that. No, He’s going to fulfill the law.
Is It Wrong to Make a Vow or an Oath?
Little Lessons with David Servant
Is it wrong to make a vow or an oath? We’re working our way through the early part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and currently in chapter five, we’re asking a question. When Jesus six times said, “You have heard, but I say to you,” was He, as some folks say, raising the standard under the New Covenant and now expecting something out of His New Covenant followers that God never expected of anybody under the Law of Moses or prior to the Law of Moses?
Is It the Fault of Women for Men Lusting?
Is it the fault of women for men lusting? We’re going to step out into a little scary territory here, because this is a topic that is culturally sensitive. I should say that there’s debate within many circles on this very topic, because there’s this kind of movement among some women who are saying, “well, we should be able to wear whatever we want, and if men can go without their shirts on in public, why can’t we women do that? And, it’s not our fault that men can’t control themselves, it’s their problem, and so let them deal with it, we’re going to dress the way we want to dress.”
What Is the Remedy for Lust?
Little Lessons with David Servant
What is the remedy for lust? Today’s question is not one that’s been sent into us by any viewer. But it sure is one that could be sent in to us by a lot of viewers, because it’s very true statistically that this something that is a stumbling block and a struggle for a lot of men in particular, but also women, but men tend to be visually oriented> that’s their sexual nature, that’s how God made them, more so than women, although women, obviously there’s a visual component for them as well, but men, I think it’s exponentially more so.
What Is the Difference Between Lusting and the Temptation to Lust?
A Daily Little Lesson
What is the difference between lusting and the temptation to lust? Where do you draw the line?
We’re finding ourselves kind of just moseying through Matthew, Chapter Five, the first part of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, and we’re in that section of Matthew Chapter Five, where Jesus talks about adultery and lusting.
Was There a Time When God Was Okay With Lust?
A Daily Little Lesson
Did Jesus Introduce a Radical New Morality?
A Daily Little Lesson
Did Jesus introduce a radical new morality? This really wasn’t my intention from the start, but we’re finding ourselves working our way through one of my favorite parts of Scripture, one that I think is so important for Christians to properly grasp, but one that is so often misunderstood and misinterpreted by well-meaning Christians. That is the Sermon on the Mount.
It is often proposed that, within that sermon, Jesus introduced a radical new ethic, a radical new morality, something that had never, ever been seen or heard of before.
What Does God Think About Taking Someone to Court?
A Daily Little Lesson
What does God think about taking someone to court? We’re going to talk a little bit about going to court, because we’re in a section of the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew, Chapter 5, where Jesus mentions something about going to court.
And it’s set within the context of a passage of about five or so verses there, in Matthew five. I’d say Matthew five versus 21 all the way down verse number 26, where the subject is human relationships.