Who Is the Greatest? (My Answer Will Surprise You!)

A Daily Little Lesson

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Who is the greatest? My answer is going to surprise you! The big question today is, who is the greatest?

Child with cape pretending to be a superhero, looking at sunset - Who is the greatest?

Now, before we get into the answer there’s a story told about a pastor who, every Sunday before the adult sermon, brought the children forward and would give a little children’s sermon before they’d be released to go to Sunday School. So, one Sunday, at the beginning of his children’s sermon with all of those kids gathering around him, he said, “Okay, children, I have a question for you. What is small and furry and has a long tail and climbs up and down trees?” One little boy raised his hand, and the pastor said, “Okay, Johnny, what’s the answer?” And he said, “Well, I know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!”

Should You Homeschool Your Children?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Should you homeschool your children? We’re going to talk about homeschooling, and is that something that you should do?

Mother and daughter doing schoolwork at home - Should you homeschool your children?

Well, the most important thing, of course, to understand is that if you are a mom or a dad, it’s your responsibility “to train up your children in the way that they should go,” says Proverbs 22:6, “And, bring them up in the nurture and in the admonition of the Lord,” says the New Testament (see Ephesians 6:4).

How Can You Have a Consistent and Meaningful Devotional Life? – Part 2

A Daily Little Lesson

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Today we ask, once again, how can you have a consistent and meaningful devotional life? We want to continue following up on our previous little lesson talking about a devotional life, and how is it possible to have a meaningful devotional life?

Woman reading Bible on porch - How can you have a consistent and meaningful devotional life? - Part 1

Well, it has to be heartfelt, right? You don’t just want to be saying redundant prayers by rote.

How Can You Have a Consistent and Meaningful Devotional Life? – Part 1

A Daily Little Lesson

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How can you have a consistent and meaningful devotional life? We’re going to talk about daily devotions, having a devotional life. And what that means is, spending time consistently, usually every day, once a day, in prayer and in meditation in God’s Word.

Woman reading Bible on porch - How can you have a consistent and meaningful devotional life? - Part 1

And before we talk about how to do that consistently and meaningfully, we ought to just gently, first of all, talk about what it says about us if we don’t really have a devotional life.

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Why do bad things happen to good people? In our previous two episodes, we’ve been considering some very difficult questions for which, in my more than 40 years of being in the ministry, and more than that of being a Christian, I’ve never come up with a answer or read an answer or heard an answer that fully satisfied me. I get some degree of understanding, but not as much as I would like.

Man holding his head - Why do bad things happen to good people?

Of course, that agrees with what Paul said. Paul said, “We’re looking through a glass darkly or dimly.” That is, imagine that that’s our perception of things. We don’t understand or see everything. It’s not all clear to us. We’re looking through a glass that’s fogged over, and we can make out some stuff on the other side of that glass, but we can’t see as much as we want. This is one of those questions. Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why Are Some Children Born With Birth Defects?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Why are some children born with birth defects? Today is another very difficult question and one that a lot of people have wrestled over (I myself have), one that’s not easy to answer and one for which I don’t have a satisfactory answer in my own heart or mind.

Child in bed - Why are some children born with birth defects?

I have some degree of an answer but not one that’s fully satisfying. Any parent who’s ever given birth to a child who’s less than perfect physically or mentally, or something is less than what they were hoping for with that baby, faces this very difficult question. Why? Why?

Did God Create Cancer?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Did God create cancer? We’ve got a very difficult question to try to answer today regarding the origin of sickness, and where it is coming from.

Sick woman staring out window - Did God create cancer?

Did God create sickness? Or does the Devil have the creative power to create disease and germs that plague and afflict so many people? What’s behind it?

How Do You Get Yourself a Good Woman, or a Good Man?

A Daily Little Lesson

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How do you get yourself a good woman, or a good man? Today’s questions are very practical and important. If you’re single and you desire to be married, the person that you do marry has got to be one of the most important decisions of your life.

Couple walking together - How do you get yourself a good woman, or a good man?

Marriage is not something that you’ll want to enter into without a lot of forethought and some counsel when so many marriages wind up in divorce. Think about it. All those people start off with the best intentions, believing that they were going to enjoy the rest of their lives together. But they were blindsided by something they didn’t anticipate. Those who are single and who would like to get married need to proceed with caution.

Is It Wrong to Use Birth Control?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is it wrong to use birth control? So many of the questions that we get, the definitive answers to those questions can’t be found in Scripture. Like today’s question.

Parents holding baby shoes - Is it wrong to use birth control?

Because birth control in the form that we know and understand it today in our modern society and culture, it didn’t exist back in Bible days. We have to search for principles and truths that we can apply to these modern situations.