Have you prayed to speak in tongues, but still have not spoken in tongues? What’s hindering you? Today’s article is the third post discussing the subject of speaking in tongues.

Have you prayed to speak in tongues, but still have not spoken in tongues? What’s hindering you? Today’s article is the third post discussing the subject of speaking in tongues.
Today we’re going to continue talking about speaking in other tongues, which is certainly a biblical topic. You can find it from the lips of Jesus in Mark 16. You can find it throughout the Book of Acts. You can find it in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.
And speaking in tongues is something that millions upon millions of Christians around the world today would say they’ve experienced and experience on a regular basis during their prayer and devotional times.
Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating.
It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths which divert attention away from Thanksgiving’s real meaning.
We are very blessed, if we speak English, to have numerous translations of the Bible that we can choose from. Sometimes the question is asked, “Which one’s the best one? Which Bible translation should I be using?” That’s not an easy question to answer!
I think if you asked all the scholars who have been on the translation committees of various Bible translations (both recent and in the past), they would probably be tempted to say, “Well, the translation that I worked on is absolutely the best.” Why would they ever say anything but that? No one’s going to say, “Well, the translation that I worked on is not as good as the other one.” There’d be no sense in trying to come up with a new translation!
Why did Jesus speak in parables, apparently not wanting everyone to understand the point of His teaching? Today’s question is a good one. We know that Jesus did often speak in parables, and one time his disciples asked Him why he was doing that. His apparent response was that He didn’t want everyone to understand certain mysteries; He was doing it to keep them ignorant. Let’s think about this.
Today, we’re talking about baptism. That’s a pretty big subject, and this is a Little Lesson, so we won’t be able to cover everything, but the question is sometimes asked, “Since I believed in Jesus, should I be baptized, even though I was baptized as a baby in my church?”
“How do I discover God’s will for my life?” That’s a great question that all of us have probably asked at one time or another or asked a lot, and it’s based upon the premise that we believe that God has a unique plan for every one of our lives. I think that this is obvious just from observation, but it’s also biblical.
Imagine this:
John is an unregenerate drug-user who, during a weekend fling in Las Vegas, falls for a flirtatious bartender named Lisa and marries her at the Little Neon Chapel. Their marriage lasts one week.
Fast forward to 20 years later. John is a completely different man. He’s been born again and drug-free for 16 years, and he has been married for 15 of them to a devoted Christian woman named Karen. They have 4 beautiful children, ages 5 through 14, whom Karen homeschools, primarily because they want to make sure that their children are raised in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).