How Do I Know if I’ve Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

A Daily Little Lesson

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How do I know if I’ve committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

Man wondering if he's committed the unpardonable sin

Today’s question is a good one about the unpardonable sin and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said is unpardonable. We find Jesus’ warning against that sin recorded in three out of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the Synoptic writers. I think Matthew gives us the most context in order to try to come up with at least a semi-satisfactory answer to this question that we’ve posed about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the unpardonable sin. So I’d like to start reading in Matthew, Chapter 12, verse number 22 to get the context,

If God Knows Everything, Why Does He Test People?

A Daily Little Lesson

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If God knows everything, why do we have passages in the Bible that say things like, “God tested so and so in order to know all that was in his heart”?

man being tested with giant log on his back

Today’s question is a great one because we have passages in the Bible that talk about God testing people in order to find out what was in their hearts. One example that stands out early in the Bible is when God tested Abraham and it actually says God tested Abraham. He told him to go sacrifice his son, Isaac, up on a certain designated mountain. When Abraham lifted his arm to slay his son, the Lord stopped him of course and said, “Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me” (Genesis 22:12).

Is It Wrong to Get a Tattoo?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is it wrong to get a tattoo? Today’s question is one that might be considered to be in the ‘less significant question’ category. However, tattoos are becoming very popular, they have been over the last several years in particular, and a lot of people are getting them. They’re a fashion statement and so it’s no surprise that Christians might be wondering, “Should I get a tattoo? Is it okay?” I want to commend you if you’re asking that question and wondering about this, because before we do anything, we ought to ask the question, what does the Lord think about what I’m thinking about doing?

Christian holding a Bible, wondering if he should get a tattoo

What About People Who Have Never Heard About Jesus? Part 2

A Daily Little Lesson

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I want to expand a little bit in today’s lesson on the previous lesson where we asked the question, what about people who have never heard the Gospel? Of course, we clearly showed from Scripture that God is speaking to everybody, not necessarily through the Gospel. He’s speaking to them, however, through Creation and through their conscience and, sometimes, through calamities. He expects people to seek Him.

indian villager, representative of people who have never heard about Jesus

What About People Who Have Never Heard About Jesus? Part 1

A Daily Little Lesson

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Today’s question is a great one. What about people who have never heard The Gospel, never heard about Jesus? What’s going to happen when they stand before God? How could it be fair of God to judge them about believing in Jesus or not if they’ve never heard about Him, if they’ve never heard The Gospel?

globe, pointed to place where people have never heard about Jesus

What is Calvinism?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Today’s question, “What is Calvinism,” is a great question. Calvinism is a theological belief about how God saves people, that is how he keeps them out of hell and gets them into heaven. Calvinists uniquely believe that God has sovereignly selected some to be saved, but not all. It’s not God’s will for all people to be saved in Calvinistic theology. He only selected some, in fact, he selected a minority to be saved. The rest, of course by default, he has selected them not to be saved. You can’t have one without the other, okay?

man thinking about calvinism

Is It Wrong for a Christian to Serve in the Military? Part 2

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re asking the same question a second time in Part 2 of the question, “Is It Wrong For Christians To Join The Military?” (Read Part 1 here) Today we’re going to try to go a little further in answering this question.

christian soldier praying

We did discuss last time that going to war does not necessarily preclude the obedience to the commandment, “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”, because God told the people of Israel to love their neighbors as themselves, but God sent those same people into war.

Is It Wrong for a Christian to Serve in the Military? Part 1

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is it wrong for a Christian to serve in the military? Today’s question will take more than just one Little Lesson to answer because of some of the complexities of the issue. Of course, Christians wonder about this sometimes. Is it right for a Christian to be in the military, because we know that we’re supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves, and going to war against your neighbor hardly seems like an expression of love towards him. That is a valid point, but I think that we need to go a little bit deeper and think about this.

christian soldier praying

Are You Suffering Under a Generational Curse?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Are you perhaps suffering under a generational curse? Today’s question is about generational curses, and, of course, we could first ask, “What is a generational curse?” Well, a generational curse is commonly referred to as a curse that is passed down from generation to generation. For example, if your great-grandmother was a voodoo priestess or something, God was angry at her and He cursed her, and now that curse that got put on her has passed down from her, to your mother or father, to you and so forth. That is the explanation for why you’re suffering so much or things aren’t going well in your life, because you’re suffering under a generational curse.

man holding forehead, wondering about generational curse