Charles Darwin concluded that women were inferior to men. He wrote in The Descent of Man, “males are more evolutionarily advanced than females,” and he believed that children and women had smaller brains and therefore were led more by instinct and less by reason. Darwin concluded: “Men attain a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can women—whether requiring deep thought, reason or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands… We may also infer from the law of the deviation from averages, that the average mental power in man must be above that of women.”
In Darwin’s evolutionary-advanced brain, such thinking was obviously justified. If you are a member of the “more intelligent gender,” you naturally have an advantage over the “less-intelligent gender” to know that your gender is inherently more intelligent.
In last month’s e-teaching, however, I tried to show that the Bible is not so misogynistic. On the contrary, the first female whom God created was custom designed to rescue the first male, turning his “not good” predicament into something “good.” Eve was the original Superwoman. (In fact, when Adam first laid his eyes on her, he gasped and said, “Whoa, man!” No doubt it is from Adam’s stunned reaction, repeated every time he looked at his wife, that the modern word, “woman,” evolved.)
He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much (Jesus, Luke 16:10).

I once heard a story of a wise, elderly man who owned a dry-cleaning business. Periodically, he would hire young men to help him run his shop.
The first day on the job, every new employee was instructed by the shop owner to carefully check the pockets of each bundle of dirty clothing. Unknown to that new employee, the owner secretly placed a quarter in the pocket of one pair of trousers that he was to check.
If the new employee, upon discovering the quarter, brought it to his employer so that it would be returned to its rightful owner, he was hired permanently. If the trainee pocketed the quarter, at the end of the day he was asked not to return, and for good reason: The owner knew that the man who can’t be trusted with small things is not going to prove himself trustworthy with larger things. If an employee would steal a customer’s quarter, he certainly couldn’t be trusted to operate the cash register when the owner was absent.
Misogyny is a word it seems we’re hearing more often these days. It is derived from two Greek words, miso, meaning “hatred,” and gunē, meaning “women.” But you don’t have to hate women to be a misogynist, as the modern definition has been expanded to include “the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women (or girls).”
Misogyny is a pervasive evil that has existed from very early in human history, and it is alive and well in the world today. (I’ll shortly provide you with some examples.)
The good news is that misogyny is something that Jesus is in the process of eradicating from the earth. At present, that eradication is limited, because Jesus only transforms those who believe in Him.
Supernatural Things
Can anyone be baptized in the Holy Spirit? Does God still work miracles today? How do we fight the devil? To find the answers to these and other questions, read the articles below!
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Stewardship and Money
In these articles, David Servant considers everything that Jesus, as well as every author of the Old and New Testaments, taught in regard to stewardship. His conclusions are not easy to disregard. Although impossible by pure human effort, the journey through the needle’s eye is possible with God!
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Excerpted from Through the Needle’s Eye
Future Things
Our life on earth is so short in comparison to all of eternity. Are you ready for the rest of eternity? If you are wanting to know what happens in the last days and into eternity, read the articles below.
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
For Unbelievers
The message contained in the articles below can change your life…it has changed the lives of millions already! If you or someone you know is searching for answers…feel like something is missing in life…question what will happen after death…are afraid of what the future holds…Then these articles (all chapters from David Servant’s book, Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This) are a must read!
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Excerpted from Forgive Me for Waiting So Long to Tell You This
For Those Who Serve
All of the links below will take you to consecutive chapters of a book by David Servant titled The Disciple-Making Minister. Although written primarily for ministers, The Disciple-Making Minister can benefit anyone who desires to serve in the body of Christ. The second two chapters deal primarily with the subject of house churches, and would be of interest to anyone wanting to learn more on that subject.
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
Excerpted from The Disciple Making Minister
The articles below are a biblical and logical analysis of the five points of Calvinism. The first five articles are a response to a booklet titled, TULIP: What We Believe about the Five Points of Calvinism by John Piper.
Excerpted from Calvinism’s Five Points Considered
Excerpted from Calvinism’s Five Points Considered
Excerpted from Calvinism’s Five Points Considered
Excerpted from Calvinism’s Five Points Considered
Excerpted from Calvinism’s Five Points Considered
Excerpted from Monthly e-Teachings from 2007
Excerpted from Monthly e-Teachings from 2008
Excerpted from Monthly e-Teachings from 2009
True Grace
In these articles, David Servant takes a closer look at what the New Testament actually teaches about saving faith, God’s transforming grace, and “the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14)
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception
Excerpted from Great Gospel Deception