How do you respond to someone who tells you that you’re being too defensive? Is it wrong to defend yourself when you believe yourself to be innocent? Learn more in this episode of Little Lessons.

Some claim that the Bible is difficult to understand. In this Little Lessons series, Bible teacher David Servant argues that the basic, most important facts of the Bible are not hard to understand at all. Learn more!
Did you know that the Bible teaches that there is more than one future judgment we should prepare for? How can you be ready to stand before the judgement seat of Christ? How will ministers be judged? Learn more in this new Little Lesson series with Bible teacher David Servant!
PLEASE NOTE: This e-teaching is not appropriate for children, preadolescents, and many adolescents.
I never thought I’d be writing a book about sex. Let me tell you what led to this.
Dear Friends,
I wrote the article that follows in 2005. It is a true story about an incident that occurred when I was pastoring my last church. I’ve since discovered that my article has been published on hundreds of Christian websites and forums. Interestingly, I’ve also discovered my article published on scores of Muslim websites, but always with any reference to Christianity or the Bible removed.
In any case, I thought it would be good this month to re-publish ‘The Brownie Surprise’ for the benefit of those who have never read this classic e-teaching. Enjoy and apply! — David
Some years ago when I was a pastor, I walked into my church office after a Sunday morning service to find a sandwich bag on my desk containing three chocolate brownies. Some thoughtful and anonymous saint who knew my love for chocolate had placed them there, along with a piece of paper that had a short story written on it. I immediately sat down and began eating the first brownie as I read the following story:
Pastor Dana Coverstone has made a stir in the evangelical world after publishing several videos describing vivid, supposedly prophetic dreams he’s had about 2020 and 2021. How should we respond to these dreams? Some take them very seriously. Others have renounced them as false and dangerous. David Servant shares his views on Pastor Dana’s dreams and how he believes Christians should respond to them. Learn more!