So Glad to be a Christian Traditionalist (even without the proper head covering!)

By David Servant

"So Glad to Be a Christian Traditionalist" E-Teaching by David Servant

Surprise! God actually wants Christians to follow traditions. Here’s the biblical proof:

Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you (1 Cor. 11:2, emphasis added)

So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us (2 Th. 2:15, emphasis added).

Best not to argue with the apostle Paul. He expected his converts to stand firm in the traditions he taught them. So…are you a “Christian traditionalist”?

“My Spouse and I Are Having a Disagreement and We Can’t Seem to Make Any Progress. What Do We Do?”

A Little Lesson

In today’s Little Lesson, David Servant answers a question from a viewer who is having a disagreement with her husband and is unable to make any progress. Discover a simple but powerful secret for resolving such disagreements within marriage.

Picture of married couple having a disagreement

How Can a Pastor Make a Living Pastoring a House Church?

A Little Lesson

If you’ve followed David Servant’s teaching, you know that he’s been addressing the subject of house churches in great detail. Some people wonder how a pastor can make a living pastoring a house church. Since pastoring a simple, disciple-making church doesn’t take a lot of time, can a house church pastor justify being paid for his role? Learn more in this Little Lesson!

Picture of pastor budgeting and trying to make a living pastoring a house church