A Real Stumper for the Marriage Permanence Folks

A Little Lesson

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If you’re a regular reader you know that in past Little Lessons, every once in a while, I have addressed what is known as the marriage permanence doctrine.

Marriage permanence

And this is a doctrine that focuses on a few verses in the New Testament that have lead some to believe and to promote the idea that if you’re married, but you’ve been previously married at any time in the past in your life, you’re in an immoral, adulterous relationship and you should divorce your current spouse. Regardless of how long you’ve been married, regardless of how many children you might have by that spouse.

My Church Journey

A Little Lessons Series

In this Little Lessons series, David Servant shares his church journey. He talks about his years as a pastor, his itinerant teaching ministry, the formation of Heaven’s Family, and his recent involvement in the House Church Movement. Discover the unforgettable event that forever changed David’s ministry and understanding of church.

Picture of Church

Sharing Your Faith: It’s Not as Scary as You Think!

By David Servant

A sure sign that someone is not truly born again is that they don’t care about others who are not born again. And a sure sign that someone doesn’t care about others who are not born again is that they do nothing to expose those who are not born again to the gospel: no personal sharing of the gospel, no supporting missionaries who are spreading the gospel, no posting of anything gospel-focused on social media, no inviting unsaved people to events where they will hear the gospel, not even any “seasoning” of conversations with unsaved people in order to drop hints of the gospel. All of that evidence points to the fact that one is not truly born again, no matter how “nice” one might be.

E-Teaching Banner, "Sharing Your Faith: It's Not as Scary as You Thought"

This claim is supported by at least three undeniable biblical truths.

What Does the Bible Say About Interracial Marriage?

A Little Lesson

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What does the Bible have to say about interracial marriage? I actually have a book or two in my Christian library at home that present arguments claiming that God is opposed to interracial marriage. And the scriptural basis for their arguments are found in the Old Testament, God’s warnings to Israel against intermarrying with the seven nations in Canaan’s land, which the Israelites were called to go in and dispossess. You probably know the story.

Picture of interracial married couple

“I Caught My Husband Looking at Pornography and Masturbating. Is That Grounds for Divorce?”

A Little Lesson

Note: This teaching is for adults only.

A viewer of Little Lessons recently asked if catching her husband looking at pornography and masturbating was grounds for divorce. Learn more.

Picture of husband and wife having dispute

Read the transcript of this video below.

Today we’re going to address a question that was sent to us by one of our beloved viewers regarding the catching of a husband in the act of not only looking at pornography but masturbating at the same time. And this person wants to know if this is grounds for divorce.

Five Facts About the Two Most Important Commandments

A Little Lessons Series

In this Little Lesson series, we continue to look at what Jesus said were the two greatest commandments, considering five irrefutable facts about these commandments. Ultimately, the purpose of these lessons is to help us examine ourselves to see how well we’re doing at keeping these two most important commandments. Learn more!

Picture of man reading the Bible and thinking

How Can I Better Obey the Second Greatest Commandment?

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

Today’s question was posed to me by a dear Facebook friend in response to a little message that I felt inspired to post. It was kind of a question of self-examination that asked, “if I’m not concerned for the eternal welfare of my neighbor, and concerned to the point of actually doing something regarding a spiritual need that they have, how could I possibly make a claim that I’m loving my neighbor as myself?”

Picture of woman holding Bible and pondering