What Is the Secret to Getting Your Light to Shine?

A Daily Little Lesson

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What is the secret to getting your light to shine? We’ve been working our way through Matthew, chapter 5, the first part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We looked at the Beatitudes, all the characteristics of those people who are blessed by God.

Picture of candle shining in the darkness

They’re blessed because He’s done something in them that has transformed and changed them, that makes them like the people that Jesus described in the Beatitudes. We can tell if we’re blessed or not blessed by looking at our lives, looking for the work that God has done in us.

The 20th-Century Regathering of Jews to Israel: A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

By David Servant

In my February e-teaching titled Three Questionable Beliefs Christians Hold Concerning Modern Israel, I attempted to show that, because God is a moral being, He has not always historically sided with the nation of Israel. A moral being cannot side with people who become immoral. And for the same reason, God never gave the descendants of Israel perpetual, unconditional, sovereign right to the land called Palestine. If He did so apart from moral considerations, He would not be a moral being. This is Bible 101.

Photo of Israel with title: The 20th-Century Regathering of Jews to Israel: A Fulfillment of Prophecy? A Teaching by David Servant

How Can Salt Become Unsalty?

A Daily Little Lesson

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How can salt become unsalty? That’s something I’ve been wondering a long time.

Holding salt shaker

We’ve been working our way through the beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount, and looking at all the characteristics of the people who were blessed, that is the people who are on the road to eternal life, and asking ourselves the question, Am I among the blessed? Which is another way of saying am I amongst the saved? Am I amongst those who have been touched by the Holy Spirit and then transformed.

Is Everybody Saying Nice Things About You?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is everybody saying nice things about you? Well, if so, I feel so sorry for you! We’re working our way through what are referred to as the beatitudes. At the beginning of the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus tells us who are the blessed people. And there’s only one kind of blessed person, the person who’s on the road to eternal life.

Woman in crowd of people

Are You a Peacemaker?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Are you a peace maker? Welcome to today’s little lesson, as we continue working our way through the Beatitudes. These are the characteristics of the blessed, and all the blessed people share to a greater or lesser degree in all of these characteristics.

Peaceful water - Are you a peacemaker?

If we have them, we know we’re blessed. If we’re lacking them, we’re not among the blessed. And so, this is a way to gauge whether your salvation is authentic or not. Are you really born again? Have you really believed in Jesus? Well, just read the Beatitudes and see if you can identify with them.

You’ve Got to Have Inward Holiness If You’re Going to Go to Heaven

A Daily Little Lesson

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There is outward holiness and there is inward holiness, and you’ve got to have inward holiness if you’re going to go to Heaven. Stay with me.

Man praying - Blessed are the pure in the heart

Welcome to today’s Little Lesson as we continue working our way through the beatitudes. Another way of titling these beatitudes would be the characteristics of the blessed, or another way of titling them would be the marks of those who are going to Heaven or the characteristics of those who are saved, because all of these beatitudes are reflections of the transformation that occurs in the lives of those who truly believe in Jesus and believe the gospel. We’ve seen that over and over again through the first beatitudes.

Did You Know That Only Hungry and Thirsty People Are Going to Heaven?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Did you know that only hungry and thirsty people are going to heaven? Well, it’s true.

Man with empty plate - Hunger and thirst for righteousness

We’re continuing in today’s lesson looking at one of the Beatitudes that we find at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus tells us who are the blessed people. We’re taking a look and asking ourselves the question, “am I one of those blessed people?”

Only the Gentle and Merciful Will Go to Heaven

A Daily Little Lesson

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Only the gentle and only the merciful will go to Heaven. It’s true!

Child's hand holding butterfly - Only the gentle and merciful will go to Heaven

We’ve begun to take a look at what are commonly referred to as “the Beatitudes”, the initial statements that Jesus made at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, and we’ve looked at two of those Beatitudes so far. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, and blessed are those who mourn.”

Are You Characterized by Being Mournful?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Are you characterized by being mournful? I hope you are. In our previous few Little Lessons we’ve been looking at the beginning of what are commonly referred to as “the Beatitudes,” right at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. They are the characteristics of the blessed.

Man sitting on log, mourning - Are you characterized as being mournful?

Who are the blessed? The blessed are the people who are on the road to heaven, and that becomes very clear as you read through all of them. The first one of course was, “Blessed are those who are poor in spirit …” we defined that over the last two Little Lessons. “Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”