Are You a Spiritual Beggar?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Are you a spiritual beggar? And I hope you are. Today’s Little Lesson is a continuation of our previous Little Lesson, as we were looking at the very first thing that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Open hands - Are you a spiritual beggar?

And just by way of very quick review, I pointed out that we don’t want to make the mistake of looking at the Beatitudes like some people look at their horoscope, picking their zodiac symbol and finding out what their unique destiny is.

What Does It Mean to Be Poor in Spirit?

A Daily Little Lesson

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What does it mean to be poor in spirit? Today’s question revolves around something that Jesus said at the very beginning of His Sermon on the Mount as recorded in Matthew 5-7. At the beginning of that sermon, we find what have been called the Beatitudes, where Jesus says, “Blessed are the …” And He relates some characteristic and He gives the reason that those people who display that characteristic are blessed. “…because they shall,” and He tells the blessing.

Man holding empty wallet - what does it mean to be poor in spirit?

Those Beatitudes have been variously interpreted. I think it’s always best to interpret everything that Jesus said in the light of the rest of the Bible. People have Jesus saying sometimes some very bizarre things by their interpretation; things that can’t be supported by the rest of the Bible.

How Can You Be Absolutely Certain That You’ve Been Born Again? – Part 2

A Daily Little Lesson

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How can you know for certain that you are born again? We’re continuing from our previous Little Lesson asking essentially the same question. How can you be certain that you really know the Lord, that you really have belief in Jesus, that you really are born again?

Man reflecting, reading Bible - how can you be sure that you've been born again?

Because according to the Bible, born again people have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them. Now, think about that just for a moment. How is it possible for the Holy Spirit to come inside of us and there not be any change on the outside? The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, the third person of the Trinity. He is God, and He comes to live on the inside of those who believe in Jesus. Well, God is God. How could you ever get God on the inside of you and it not manifest or show up on the outside in some form or fashion? You’d expect some changes, wouldn’t you?

How Can You Be Absolutely Certain That You’ve Been Born Again?

A Daily Little Lesson

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How can you be absolutely certain that you’ve been born again? Today’s question is one that we often hear that expresses some degree of concern over the authenticity of one’s salvation.

Man looking in distance, wondering - how can you be sure you've been born again?

We know that salvation is not something that you gradually earn by building up merit over years of doing good things and obeying the commandments of God, but rather, salvation happens because of God’s grace and his mercy, and so therefore, it’s an instantaneous, one-moment event where you cry out to God for forgiveness of sins, and you turn to Him in faith and repentance, and Je forgives you. Scripture teaches that He sends His Holy Spirit, and places His Holy Spirit in you, and you’re born again. You’re changed. You’re a new creation in Christ.

Four Feasting Fellows (Who Felt an Unction to Function)

By David Servant

Dear Beloved Readers, I intended to send a followup article this month to February’s e-teaching on questionable beliefs Christians sometimes hold concerning modern-day Israel. And I’ve been working diligently on that followup article over the past few weeks. Due to an exciting opportunity at Heaven’s Family this month, however, I decided to postpone that followup article until next month in order to send you the special e-teaching below. I will return to the subject of modern-day Israel in April. For now, I hope you will enjoy this month’s e-teaching and prayerfully consider participating in the opportunity mentioned at the end. Thanks so much, David

There is a biblical story set in Samaria, the capital city of Israel, during a time when it was surrounded by a foreign army. The siege dragged on for months, and food prices behind the city walls had skyrocketed. People were dying of starvation. Some of the Israelites resorted to cannibalism in order to survive the famine. The crisis had reached its tipping point, and death was certain, either from hunger inside the city or from the sword and spear outside.

Four Feasting Fellow cover photo - vegetables on table - a teaching by David Servant

Is God a Racist?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is God a racist? In today’s Little Lesson, we’re going to continue talking about the right biblical perspective of the modern day nation of Israel.

Man reading Bible thinking - Is God a racist?

In the previous Little Lesson we asked the question, “is Israel the apple of God’s eye?” That’s a verse from Zachariah that you sometimes hear from Evangelical preachers who will quote it and say, “We ought to make sure we’re on the side of Israel because they’re God’s chosen people.”

Is Modern-Day Israel the Apple of God’s Eye?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to keep on talking today as we did on a previous Little Lesson about modern-day Israel. By listening to some modern-day Christians, you’d think that God loves the people in Israel more than He loves those who have repented of their sins and believed in Jesus!

Israeli flags - Is modern-day Israel the apple of God's eye?

Should Christians Always Side With Modern Israel?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Today, we’re going to talk about modern-day Israel. Of course, every Christian knows that we’ve got a Bible that’s full of references to Israel, and if you know anything at all about the history of Judaism, you know that God called Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and his twelve sons, and they comprise the twelve tribes of Israel.

Picture of modern Israel - Should Christians always side with modern Israel?

Jesus was a descendant of Judah, and the Jewish heritage of Christianity is rich and long and deep. And so consequently, Christians feel an affinity with Jews because Christianity is really the fulfillment of Judaism. Jesus was Jewish, Jesus was the Messiah of the Jews and the early church was comprised of all Jewish believers in Jesus as their Messiah.

What About Cremation?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’ve got a really interesting question that one of our viewers has sent in, a question revolving around cremation.

Woman at graveside - What about cremation

Of course, you know that when the body dies and the Spirit evacuates it, you’ve got to do something with that body. Historically, the most common thing to do, of course, is to bury it in the ground, where it undergoes decay. But, in more recent decades, another popular form of disposing of a dead body is through cremation.

Is There a Biblical Dress Code?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to continue with a previous Little Lesson’s topic, where we discussed a question that’s been sent to us numerous times about whether or not it’s okay for women to wear makeup. You might want to see that Little Lesson first.

Woman wondering about clothes - Is there a biblical dress code?

I want to go a little further today and talk about proper dress. And in our previous Little Lesson I did point out the widely known and acknowledged fact that God made men to be attracted to women. Men are very visually oriented, and they can recognize beauty in form and in face, and women that are unmarried who are hoping to attract a husband naturally, naturally think about, “How I can be attractive? And not just in my character, because a guy is not just going to marry my character. They’re going to marry me, the total me.”