Does the Tithe Belong to the Local Church?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to continue talking about the subject of tithing. If you missed the previous Little Lesson, I kind of laid a foundation there. It’d be great if you saw that one first.

Man passing offering plate - Does the tithe belong to the local church?

Because under the New Covenant, obviously, you can’t find instructions about the necessity of Christians tithing in the epistles written to the Christians by the apostles. There is a little mention about tithing in the epistle to the Hebrews, but it’s not an instruction to tithe. It’s just a historical references to Abraham when he tithed to Melchizedek and that Jesus is now our High Priest.

Do You Have to Tithe?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Here’s a question that I’ve often been asked over the decades. Do I have to tithe?

Man putting envelope in Tithes and Offering box - Do you have to tithe?

I got that question back in the days when I was pastoring, and I’ve gotten it many times since that day. It always reflects a basic misunderstanding. Maybe more than one misunderstanding just by virtue of how the question has been framed.

Do You Have to Keep the Sabbath?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Do you have to keep the Sabbath? In today’s Little Lesson, we’ll talk about Sabbath keeping. And Christians don’t agree on this.

Man resting against wall with Bible - should you keep the sabbath

Some, I think the minority, believe that it’s very, very important to keep the Sabbath. It’s one of the 10 Commandments for crying out loud! And it’s based on the fact that God rested Himself on the seventh day (see Genesis 2:1-3), something that pre-dates the law of Moses.

Can True Christians Have Addictions?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Can true Christians have addictions? In today’s Little Lesson, we’re going to talk a little bit about the subject of addictions, which a lot of people struggle with. Including those who are endeavoring to follow Christ.

Man sitting by water, reflecting - Can true Christians have addictions?

Probably the first one that comes to mind is addiction to tobacco. I have heard that the tobacco addiction can be tougher to beat than some addictions to things that are considered to be hard drugs.

Do You Have to Forgive People Who Don’t Even Ask for Your Forgiveness?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Do you have to forgive people who don’t even ask for your forgiveness? We’ve been talking about forgiveness the last few episodes of Little Lessons. And today’s question, of course, is another one along those lines. When people offend us, when people sin against us, do we have to forgive them? And my answer is going to absolutely shock many who are watching this.

Shaking hands - Do you have to forgive those who don't ask for your forgiveness?

Will God Forgive You If You Keep Repeating the Same Sin Over and Over Again?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Will God forgive you if you keep repeating the same sin over and over again? This is a great question because, as I mentioned on our previous Little Lesson, none of us have reached perfection yet.

Man wondering if God will forgive him if he commits the same sin again and again

“We all stumble,” James said, “in many ways, and if anyone hasn’t stumbled in what he says,” there’s the biggest stumbling place right there, “he’s a perfect man, or woman, able to bridle the whole body as well.” (see James 3:2). And he goes on to elaborate about how the tongue is this unruly thing.

You’ve Sinned and You Still Feel Guilty… What Should You Do?

A Daily Little Lesson

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You’ve sinned and you still feel guilty; what should you do? Scripture says that everybody’s sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23). So if you’ve sinned, welcome to the human race.

Young man with back to wall, feeling guilty over sin

But I’m not trying to give anybody any excuses. Because when we believe in Jesus, we’ve set ourselves on a course to follow Him. Which is another way of saying obey Him. Which is another way of saying we keep His commandments.

And that’s our intention. We repent of our sins. We’re turning away from that which we know is displeasing in God’s eyes, and we set ourselves on a course every day: take up your cross, deny yourself, and follow Him (see Luke 9:23).

Who Is the Greatest? (My Answer Will Surprise You!)

A Daily Little Lesson

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Who is the greatest? My answer is going to surprise you! The big question today is, who is the greatest?

Child with cape pretending to be a superhero, looking at sunset - Who is the greatest?

Now, before we get into the answer there’s a story told about a pastor who, every Sunday before the adult sermon, brought the children forward and would give a little children’s sermon before they’d be released to go to Sunday School. So, one Sunday, at the beginning of his children’s sermon with all of those kids gathering around him, he said, “Okay, children, I have a question for you. What is small and furry and has a long tail and climbs up and down trees?” One little boy raised his hand, and the pastor said, “Okay, Johnny, what’s the answer?” And he said, “Well, I know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!”

Should You Homeschool Your Children?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Should you homeschool your children? We’re going to talk about homeschooling, and is that something that you should do?

Mother and daughter doing schoolwork at home - Should you homeschool your children?

Well, the most important thing, of course, to understand is that if you are a mom or a dad, it’s your responsibility “to train up your children in the way that they should go,” says Proverbs 22:6, “And, bring them up in the nurture and in the admonition of the Lord,” says the New Testament (see Ephesians 6:4).