Is It Wrong for Women to Wear Makeup?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We do get all kinds of questions, and today’s question is one we’ve received more than once. Some of our honest viewers, sincere viewers, want an answer. Is it wrong for women to wear makeup?

Woman putting on lipstick - Is it wrong for women to wear makeup?

The reason that it is sometimes felt by some within the body of Christ that this is wrong is because it’s based on vanity. You’re trying to make yourself more attractive in a vain way, so therefore it shouldn’t be done.

Could You Give Someone Something Better Than Money?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is there something that you could give to someone that is better than money? I’m going to continue from some of our thoughts from our previous two little lessons where we were talking about wealth, riches and righteousness.

Hands exchanging money - Is there something better than money that you can give to people?

I want to share something with you today that might be a little bit surprising to you. If not surprising, at least it might provoke your thinking a little bit to look at giving in a little different way than perhaps you’ve ever looked at it before.

Is It Possible to Be Rich and Righteous? – Part 2

A Daily Little Lesson

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Today’s Little Lesson is a continuation of our previous Little Lesson, talking about the potential of being righteous and at the same time being rich. We’re trying to do our best to answer that question, not from one verse taken out of its context in the Bible, but by looking at a little bit more context.

Wallet on Bible - Is it possible to be rich and righteous?

Is It Possible to Be Rich and Righteous?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to continue talking about money on this episode. We know that the Bible warns that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil (see 1 Timothy 6:10).

Man holding jar with money - Is it possible to be rich and righteous

So there is a great danger there with money, and wealth, and riches. Most teachers and preachers who will mention the fact that Scripture warns against the love of money will quickly point out, and rightfully so, that it’s not money itself that is the root of all sorts of evil, but it is the love of money that is the root of all sorts of evil.

Are All Rich People Inherently Evil?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Sometimes when you look at really wealthy people, you’re tempted to think, “They’re bad people. They’re evil people.” That very well could be true, because sometimes wealth can be an indication of evil on a couple levels.

Greedy businessman holding money - Are all rich people inherently evil?

One, if a person gains their wealth through unscrupulous, immoral means, well, their wealth represents evil, doesn’t it? Obviously, the rich guys in the mafia, they’re rich because of their evil, their corruption, and so forth.

Why Did God Allow Some Men to Have Multiple Wives in the Old Testament?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to talk about the question of polygamy, which is an all-encompassing term that just means having more than one spouse. It can apply to a man having more than one wife or a woman having more than one husband.

Polygamy concept - Why did God allow men in the Old Testament to have multiple wives?

There are specific terms that describe each one of those phenomenon, but, regardless, what’s common in the Old Testament to a degree is some men having more than one wife. There are some pretty well-known Bible characters who had more than one wife. Abraham did and Caleb did and David, of course, did. I think he had like eight wives and 10 concubines.

Is Tithing to the Local Church a Form of Giving or a Form of Paying?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is tithing to the local church actually a form of giving, or is it a form of paying? This will be the third Little Lesson we’ve been talking about the subject of tithing, very common subject amongst Christians who are trying to follow the Bible and, particularly, pastors who need money.

Couple placing money into offering plate - Is tithing to the local church a form of giving or paying

I’m questioning the very basis of what so many people believe: first of all, that the tithe belongs to the local church. It’s not a biblical idea at all. Anyone who says so is fooling themselves, and they ought to be challenged on it in a loving way.

Does the Tithe Belong to the Local Church?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’re going to continue talking about the subject of tithing. If you missed the previous Little Lesson, I kind of laid a foundation there. It’d be great if you saw that one first.

Man passing offering plate - Does the tithe belong to the local church?

Because under the New Covenant, obviously, you can’t find instructions about the necessity of Christians tithing in the epistles written to the Christians by the apostles. There is a little mention about tithing in the epistle to the Hebrews, but it’s not an instruction to tithe. It’s just a historical references to Abraham when he tithed to Melchizedek and that Jesus is now our High Priest.

Do You Have to Tithe?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Here’s a question that I’ve often been asked over the decades. Do I have to tithe?

Man putting envelope in Tithes and Offering box - Do you have to tithe?

I got that question back in the days when I was pastoring, and I’ve gotten it many times since that day. It always reflects a basic misunderstanding. Maybe more than one misunderstanding just by virtue of how the question has been framed.

Do You Have to Keep the Sabbath?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Do you have to keep the Sabbath? In today’s Little Lesson, we’ll talk about Sabbath keeping. And Christians don’t agree on this.

Man resting against wall with Bible - should you keep the sabbath

Some, I think the minority, believe that it’s very, very important to keep the Sabbath. It’s one of the 10 Commandments for crying out loud! And it’s based on the fact that God rested Himself on the seventh day (see Genesis 2:1-3), something that pre-dates the law of Moses.