I recently was given a copy of Why be Plain? by some dear ex-Amish friends who told me that it was mailed to them by their still-Amish relatives. The Old Order Amish authors, Larry S. Weaver and Terry B. Zimmerman, are clearly concerned that Old Order Amish people, and especially Amish youth, are being deceived regarding Amish faith and lifestyle, resulting in their abandoning both to join more liberal churches, or worse, embrace “the world.” The fact that they’ve written a book to address their concern reveals that the problem they are addressing is widespread and likely increasing.
Category Archives: Blog
The Very Wise Fool
By David Servant
Dear reader: Below is an expansion of Jesus’ Parable of the Treasure in the Field and the Introduction to a short book I wrote some years ago titled, Forever Rich: Seven Spiritual Secrets to Ultimate Financial Fulfillment. If you enjoy the Introduction, the eight chapters that follow it can be read for free here: https://www.davidservant.com/books/forever-rich-book/. I hope you enjoy them all! — David
The Assurance of Salvation: A Blessing for Every Believer
By David Servant
Possessing “assurance of salvation” should be the norm for Christian believers. Surely God does not want His children to be wondering if they actually are His children!
Conversely, surely God does not want those who are not His children to be deceived into thinking that they are His children.
Original Sin?
By David Servant
You’ve probably heard the theological term, “original sin.” It is defined as “the innate tendency of all humans to sin, a condition inherited from Adam as a consequence of the Fall.” It is an attractive idea in one sense, because it allows us to put some of the blame for our sin on Adam.
The Parables of Life
By David Servant
It’s fun to think about the fact that Jesus created everything in the natural world that He used at a later time—during His earthly ministry—as teaching tools. That means it is possible, for example, that the primary reason He originally created the “birds of the air” and “lilies of the field” (Matt. 6:25-33) was to teach folks like me and you (who are paying attention) that God will take care of us.
Is the Phrase, “We are Saved by Grace Alone,” Biblical?
By David Servant
It is certainly wise to be suspicious of oft-repeated “Christian” doctrinal statements that utilize phrases that can’t be found anywhere in the Bible. Since the Bible consists of thousands of doctrinal phrases within its 783,000 words, it is certainly reasonable to think that all biblical doctrine could be expressed using actual phrases that are found somewhere within the Bible.
At the Heart of “Once-Saved-Always-Saved”
By David Servant
You may have heard that, some months back, California law regarding shoplifting was changed. Now, stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor rather than a felony. The result is that law enforcement generally doesn’t bother to investigate any shoplifting cases in which less than $950 in merchandise is stolen, and if there are charges, prosecutors dismiss them. As you might guess, shoplifting is on the rise in California.
A Very Strange Grace
By David Servant
If I was found guilty of 1st-degree murder in a court of law, I would be very happy to hear the judge begin his sentencing speech with these words: “Mr. Servant, although you have been found guilty of 1st-degree murder, I’m going to show you some grace.”
If Salvation is a “One-and-Done” Event, there Really is No Need for Pastors or Churches
by David Servant
In contradiction to scores of New Testament scriptures, it is believed in many Christian circles that salvation is a “one-and-done” event. That is, if someone believes in Jesus at any point in their life, that one-time event seals their salvation for eternity, regardless of whether they continue in faith or obedience.
The “Two Categories of Christians” Heresy
by David Servant
A popular but misleading doctrine of false teachers is the idea that there are two categories of Christians, the “believers” and the “disciples.” The believers, they claim, are those who believe in Jesus but who are not committed to obey Him. Nor are they willing to pay a price to follow Him. And that is OK, false teachers maintain, because salvation is by grace. So, as long as those uncommitted believers believe, they are safely on their way to eternal life, and anyone who claims otherwise is, they claim, preaching “salvation by works.”