Depending on where you live in the world and what interests you, you may or may not have some knowledge of the recent revival meetings in Lakeland, Florida, led by Canadian Todd Bentley. Although tens of thousands from around the world flocked to Lakeland over a period of four months—mostly due to the reports of physical healings—the meetings generated considerable controversy due to Bentley’s questionable doctrines, strange angelic encounters, unconventional style, and his exaggerated and sometimes outright false reports of miracles.
Perhaps the crowning moment of the Lakeland meetings was June 23rd, when a number of prominent charismatic “apostles” and “prophets” publicly endorsed Bentley’s ministry and the revival he was leading. Charisma magazine, in an article titled, Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at “Lakeland Outpouring,” stated that, “The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history.” One well-known charismatic leader, an “apostle,” described that event as “a commissioning ceremony, complete with decrees and prophecies of going to higher levels, predictions of Todd’s increasing world-wide influence and leading a world-wide revival, emphatic and prolific endorsements of his character, etc.” Peter Wagner, “presiding apostle” of the International Coalition of Apostles, was one of those who endorsed Bentley that evening, publicly stating, “This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to Todd Bentley, your power will increase, your authority will increase, your favor will increase, your influence will increase, your revelation will increase.”