Thank You

Thank you so much for taking me up on my special offer of Forever Rich, The Great Gospel Deception, and Through the Needle’s Eye! We’ll be mailing your book as soon as possible.

Four Feasting Fellows (Who Felt an Unction to Function)

By David Servant

Dear Beloved Readers, I intended to send a followup article this month to February’s e-teaching on questionable beliefs Christians sometimes hold concerning modern-day Israel. And I’ve been working diligently on that followup article over the past few weeks. Due to an exciting opportunity at Heaven’s Family this month, however, I decided to postpone that followup article until next month in order to send you the special e-teaching below. I will return to the subject of modern-day Israel in April. For now, I hope you will enjoy this month’s e-teaching and prayerfully consider participating in the opportunity mentioned at the end. Thanks so much, David

There is a biblical story set in Samaria, the capital city of Israel, during a time when it was surrounded by a foreign army. The siege dragged on for months, and food prices behind the city walls had skyrocketed. People were dying of starvation. Some of the Israelites resorted to cannibalism in order to survive the famine. The crisis had reached its tipping point, and death was certain, either from hunger inside the city or from the sword and spear outside.

Four Feasting Fellow cover photo - vegetables on table - a teaching by David Servant

Hurricane Jesus, Part 1

Does our loving God play any role in natural disasters?

The e-teaching that follows, which I originally wrote after Hurricane Katrina bombarded New Orleans in 2005, seems appropriate to re-publish now. For the first time in recorded history, two Category 4 or higher hurricanes have struck the U.S. mainland in the same year. “That is extraordinary by itself,” according to AccuWeather founder Dr. Joel N. Myers, but “also unprecedented is that this particular storm, Irma, has sustained intensity for the longest period of time of any hurricane or typhoon in any ocean of the world since the satellite era began.” Might there be a divine message hidden in these recent hurricanes? Keep reading! – David

picture of sign, 'Hurricane Jesus,' in front of blowing palm trees

Over the past few months in my e-teachings we’ve been taking a look at who God really is—as He has revealed Himself in Scripture—which is quite different than how He is often revealed in modern Christendom. We’ve not only considered His amazing love and mercy, but also His “holy hatred.” That holy hatred is often referred to using other phrases, such as “God’s righteous wrath,” or “His holy indignation,” but all refer to the same aspect of God’s character. And as we’ve seen, God’s Word does indeed speak of His hatred, using the very word hate (for proof, click here to read last month’s e-teaching). There is no escaping this.

Your Support is Needed to Change Lives!

“Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with him who teaches” (Gal. 6:6)

David Servant poses with a child from Malawi during one of his ministry trips to follow up on the work Heaven’s Family is doing

Every month, tens of thousands of people around the world are being touched by David Servant’s teaching ministry. Pastors in third-world countries who cannot afford biblical teaching… Persecuted Christians in restricted nations who are in need of encouragement… Viewers and readers with personal struggles and questions… Through his monthly e-teachings, his books, articles, devotionals and videos posted at this website, as well as his YouTube channel, David’s teaching is touching lives and building up the body of Christ.
Although David is founder of Heaven’s Family—a ministry that has been serving the poor around the world for two decades through donations totaling tens of millions of dollars—he prefers not to receive his salary from donations to Heaven’s Family. Rather, he prefers to earn his living from his teaching ministry, relying on faithful supporters who have been touched and blessed by his teaching. Beyond his living expenses, donations to David Servant’s teaching ministry also help expand the reach of David’s teaching to those around the world who cannot afford to help. For example, his book, The Disciple-Making Minister, has been translated into many foreign languages. David is also involved in a fruitful evangelistic and teaching ministry to Amish people across North America.

Would you join a very special group of people who support David’s teaching ministry each month? In appreciation for their support, David writes a personal, monthly e-newsletter that is sent exclusively to his supporters. Since they are helping him bear fruit, he likes to keep them informed and up-to-date.

Any size monthly investment is appreciated! One-time gifts are also appreciated! Thank you!

*Your donations are fully tax-deductible in the U.S.

Support David’s Teaching Ministry


Hurricane Jesus, Part 2

This month’s e-teaching about Hurricane Katrina and God’s wrath elicited quite a few e-responses, and the encouraging ones outnumbered the not-so-encouraging ones by about fifteen to one. (Read Hurricane Jesus, Part 1)

picture of sign, 'Hurricane Jesus,' in front of blowing palm trees

With the ratio of favorable to not-as-favorable responses being so lopsided, I debated if I should address, in another e-teaching, the objections of those who disagreed with me. In the end, I decided to respond for at least three reasons. First, because the letters of disagreement were for the most part written by sincere people who graciously shared their objections. Second, at one time I would have agreed with quite a few of the objections that were made. That certainly motivated me to be merciful toward my detractors. And third, although only a few people who wrote disagreed, I happen to know that their objections are shared by many others, having heard them for years around the world. What is at stake is eternal salvation for everyone who might hear an explanation of Hurricane Katrina that effectively nullifies the fear of God and His call to repentance. And with Rita now bearing down on Texas, it seems the Lord Himself is repeating His message.