Did God Create Cancer?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Did God create cancer? We’ve got a very difficult question to try to answer today regarding the origin of sickness, and where it is coming from.

Sick woman staring out window - Did God create cancer?

Did God create sickness? Or does the Devil have the creative power to create disease and germs that plague and afflict so many people? What’s behind it?

How Do You Get Yourself a Good Woman, or a Good Man?

A Daily Little Lesson

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How do you get yourself a good woman, or a good man? Today’s questions are very practical and important. If you’re single and you desire to be married, the person that you do marry has got to be one of the most important decisions of your life.

Couple walking together - How do you get yourself a good woman, or a good man?

Marriage is not something that you’ll want to enter into without a lot of forethought and some counsel when so many marriages wind up in divorce. Think about it. All those people start off with the best intentions, believing that they were going to enjoy the rest of their lives together. But they were blindsided by something they didn’t anticipate. Those who are single and who would like to get married need to proceed with caution.

Is It Wrong to Use Birth Control?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is it wrong to use birth control? So many of the questions that we get, the definitive answers to those questions can’t be found in Scripture. Like today’s question.

Parents holding baby shoes - Is it wrong to use birth control?

Because birth control in the form that we know and understand it today in our modern society and culture, it didn’t exist back in Bible days. We have to search for principles and truths that we can apply to these modern situations.

What Happens When You Fast?

A Daily Little Lesson

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What happens when you fast? On our previous Little Lesson, we were talking initially about fasting and looking at the fact that it is a biblical practice, something that every Christian should do. Just like they should pray and just like they should obey any of the Lord’s commandments.

Man praying - What happens when you fast?

Jesus said, “When you fast, here’s what you should do.” Not if you fast, but when you fast (see Matthew 6:16-18).

Should You Fast?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Should you fast? Fasting is abstaining from eating. Sometimes it could be considered abstaining from drinking as well.

Empty plate - Should you fast?

There are various degrees of fasting. Perhaps the most common fast is the water-only fast. You abstain from all solid foods and just drink water and no other liquids or beverages besides water. That’s somewhat of a pure fast.

Is It Wrong or Is It Right for Christians to Invest in the Stock Market?

A Daily Little Lesson

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Is it wrong or is it right for Christians to invest in the stock market?

Putting coins in retirement jar - Is it wrong or is it right for Christians to invest in the stock market

We’re continuing from our previous Little Lesson’s question about investing in the stock market. This is something that is widely practiced because, at least from a natural standpoint, it certainly does make a lot of sense to save money for the future.

What Do Disciples of Jesus Do With Their Money?

A Daily Little Lesson

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What do disciples of Jesus do with their money? For the past few episodes, we’ve been talking about the very important subject of discipleship, what it means to be a disciple.

Child counting money - What do disciples of Jesus do with their money?

Hopefully, you’re in full agreement with me that there are no two categories of Christians, believers and disciples. That, in fact, all true believers in Jesus are disciples. Because if you believe in Jesus, you’re going to follow and obey Him and be willing to pay whatever price that you have to in order to successfully follow Him.

Are You a True or a False Disciple of Jesus Christ?

A Daily Little Lesson

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We’ve been talking on Little Lessons about a very important subject, the subject of discipleship. Because Jesus told His apostles, “Go all the world, make disciples. Teach them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you” (see Matthew 28:19-20).

Man carrying cross - Are you a true disciple or a false disciple of Jesus Christ?

That’s what Jesus wants. That should be every minister’s goal. That should be every church’s mission statement. That’s what we ought to all personally be pursuing. And we should be evaluating ourselves. Am I truly a disciple of Christ?