How Can I Better Obey the Second Greatest Commandment?

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

Today’s question was posed to me by a dear Facebook friend in response to a little message that I felt inspired to post. It was kind of a question of self-examination that asked, “if I’m not concerned for the eternal welfare of my neighbor, and concerned to the point of actually doing something regarding a spiritual need that they have, how could I possibly make a claim that I’m loving my neighbor as myself?”

Picture of woman holding Bible and pondering

Is Masturbation a Sin According to the Bible?

A Little Lessons Series

Today, we’re going to broach a very sensitive topic but an important topic and a controversial topic, the topic of masturbation. Within the greater body of Christ there is a spectrum of opinion on the subject. The reason for this is because, as we’ll soon see, the Bible is actually silent on the subject, at least to some degree. Learn more in this Little Lessons series with Bible teacher David Servant.

Another Look at the Roman Catholics, Part 3

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

For the last two Little Lessons, we’ve been looking at the Roman Catholic church, and I’ve been referencing a letter that I received from some viewers who are dear friends who were former Roman Catholics. They’re sharing their experience which I think many people could identify with, whether they’re inside or now have come out of the Roman Catholic church. And it’s my conviction that people who truly believe in Jesus, they’re not going to be happy in the Roman Catholic church.

Picture of Catholic Mass

Another Look at the Roman Catholics, Part 2

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

I gave a little lesson some weeks back titled “Can Roman Catholics be Christians?” And I affirmed that, yes, truly, if they believe that Jesus is the son of God and it bears fruit in their life, even with all the extra doctrinal baggage that they might have in the Catholic church, they still get to heaven.

Picture of Catholic priest

How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable – Part Three

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

I sometimes receive caustic letters from strangers, and sometimes they’re long letters. I feel so sorry for them that they wasted so much of their time! And they start off with insults and demeaning, condescending statements, and I can’t imagine that they could possibly think that they’re going to persuade me, as they start off insulting me.

Picture with lesson title, "How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable, Part 2"