What Is Wrong With “Marriage Permanence Doctrine?” – Part Four

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

What’s lacking overall in the “marriage permanence” doctrine is grace. There’s a little grace, if you’ll divorce and live a single life until your original spouse dies. You can go to heaven then, but other than that, you can’t. You’re going to go to hell because you’re living in adultery, by their definition.

Picture of marriage permanence doctrine title and broken wedding ring

What Is Wrong With “Marriage Permanence Doctrine?” – Part Three

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

Today we continue talking about the “marriage permanence doctrine.” I call it the “divine divorce doctrine.” It basically says anyone who is divorced and remarried is living in adultery, nonstop adultery, and that they should divorce again, and they should, if possible, go back to their first spouse because in God’s eyes, “they’re allegedly married to that person until death do us part.”

Picture of marriage permanence doctrine title and broken wedding ring

What Is Wrong With “Marriage Permanence Doctrine?” – Part Two

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

When you start studying what some call “marriage permanence doctrine,” you find out that they’re not advocating a lot of permanence, they’re advocating that literally tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of Christian marriages break up. Why?

Picture of marriage permanence doctrine title and broken wedding ring

Are Amish People Christians?

A Little Lesson

Read the transcript of this video below.

*David has published a followup Little Lesson on this subject that can be viewed here.

Picture of Amish Christians in buggy

Are Amish people Christians? You may or may not be familiar with the Amish depending on where you live in the United States and in the world. They live in about half of the states of the United States and there’s about 250,000 Amish people total in North America. They also live in Canada and some even in Central America.