Since 2005, David Servant has penned provocative monthly e-teachings. You can subscribe to his future e-teachings by clicking here. You can read all his former e-teachings by clicking the links below.
- Oh What a Savior! Oh What a Salvation!
- “Christianity is not about rules, it’s all about a relationship.” Really?
- Time to Try Pond #2
- The Main Reason I Don’t Preach the False-Grace Gospel
- Why the Seven Churches of Asia Do Not Represent Seven Church Ages
- Yet Another False-Grace Heresy: “Christians Will Never be Judged!”
- A Christian Cliché You Won’t Find in the Bible: “Just Trust in Jesus’ Finished Work on the Cross”
- The Sorrow that Leads to Salvation
- Should You Always Submit to Spiritual Leaders?
- Will There Only be Old Order Amish People in Heaven?
- The Lure of the World
- The Very Wise Fool
- The Assurance of Salvation: A Blessing for Every Believer
- Original Sin?
- The Parables of Life
- Is the Phrase, “We are Saved by Grace Alone,” Biblical?
- At the Heart of “Once-Saved-Always-Saved”
- A Very Strange Grace
- If Salvation is a “One-and-Done” Event, there Really is No Need for Pastors or Churches
- The “Two Categories of Christians” Heresy
- Is Being Christ’s Disciple Optional?
- Avoid these “Works”!
- Gratefully Guilty as Charged
- Paul’s Great Fear
- The Impossibility of Assurance of Salvation for All Who Believe in “Once-Saved-Always-Saved”
- Permanently Sealed?
- Don’t be a “Bible Baby”
- Why Do I Use a Pseudonym?
- Every Word
- Hebrew Roots? Yes. Hebrew Fruits? No.
- The “Sin” of Adding Our Works to What Jesus Did on the Cross?
- The Cessna Citation Samaritan
- God, the Relentless Evangelist
- The Prodigal Son Discovers the Christians
- The Perfect Daily Morning Prayer
- All Creatures Great and Small
- Think About Thinking
- Jesus’ Unfinished “Finished Work”
- Biblical Grace
- The Parable of the Pardoning King
- The Great Tragedy of Resolving Guilt with False Theology
- The Goal of Discipleship: Knowledge or Obedience?
- The Power of Encouragement
- Time to Pray Some Imprecatory Prayers? Part 2
- Far-Away False Christians
- If You Didn’t Earn Your Salvation, How are You Going to Un-Earn it?
- Time to Pray Some Imprecatory Prayers? Part 1
- The Virtue of Seeking Glory and Honor
- Questions for Pastors of New Testament Churches to Ponder
- Jealousy: Cancer in the Bones
- Staying Balanced
- Jesus the Gentleman
- Some Food for Thought
- The Prevalence of Jesus’ Lordship in the New Testament
- The Undeniable Biblical Connection Between Holiness and Heaven
- Three Kinds of Death, and Their Remedy
- The Spectrum of Grace
- Why Did Jesus Never Use the Word “Grace”?
- Two Kinds of Righteousness
- “Come out, in Jesus’ Name!”
- How Gracious is Our Lord?
- Grace Alone and Faith Alone: What is Wrong with the First Two Solas?
- The Twisting and Truth About Jesus’ Olivet Discourse Parables
- The Hyper-Grace Twisting of Paul’s Teaching About Salvation
- The Radical Redefinition of Repentance
- “You Have Heard…But I Say”—Jesus’ Six Counterpoints: Moral Upgrade or Moral Reclamation?
- The Wolves Among Us
- Senior Sex
- Your Sexy Temple
- You are So Beautiful
- Sexual Secrets of a Shulammite and a Shepherd
- Solomon’s Sex-Filled Song
- The Dating/Courting Christian: How Far Can We Go?
- More about Masturbation
- This is the Chapter About Masturbation
- Single and Sexual
- Porn is Not Your Friend
- The Mosaic Moral Upgrade
- Seven Strange Scriptural Sexual Stories, Part 2
- Seven Strange Scriptural Sexual Stories, Part 1
- Has the Great Delusion Begun?
- The Silliness of “Christian Fluffy Love”
- Fourteen Words to Fix or Upgrade Your Marriage
- “Better Than Sex Cake,” and Other Urban Myths
- The Brownie Surprise
- #Me Too, Men Too
- Why Does God’s Judgment Sometimes Fall on Entire Families?
- The End of Racism
- There’s a Sheep Born Every Second
- Want the Coronavirus to “Pass Over” You? Here’s How.
- The Coronavirus: How Should We Pray?
- The Coronavirus: A Message from the God who Died of Something Much Worse
- Have I Conformed to a Cult?
- Dear Pastor, Will You Repent With Me?
- Trump is God’s Man (…and so Was Obama)
- The Divine Limitations to Fruitfulness in Ministry
- So Glad to be a Christian Traditionalist (even without the proper head covering!)
- Totally Loving My Tiny Church
- Shunning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Sharing Your Faith: It’s Not as Scary as You Think!
- Why Revivalists Tarry, Part 2 (Some Very Good News for Every Saint Who Longs for Revival)
- Why Revivalists Tarry, Part 1 (Some Very Good News for Every Saint Who Longs for Revival)
- Think Before You Clink! (And Maybe Bring Jesus Back Sooner!) Part 2
- Think Before You Clink! (And Maybe Bring Jesus Back Sooner!) Part 1
- Five Times Paul Did Not “Turn the Other Cheek”
- Don’t Resist! Assist! (The Truncated Commandment)
- A Biblical Challenge to Christian Pacifism
- A “Holy” Guy Tells a Lie
- The Coming Holocaust in Israel (and America, and Europe, and…)
- The 20th-Century Regathering of Jews to Israel: A Fulfillment of Prophecy?
- Three Questionable Beliefs Christians Hold Concerning Modern Israel
- Four Feasting Fellows (Who Felt an Unction to Function)
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Polygamy (But Were Afraid to Ask)
- I’m Divorced and Remarried. Am I Living in Adultery? Part 3
- “I’m Divorced and Remarried. Am I Living in Adultery?” Part 2
- A Lesson from the Pilgrims
- “I’m Divorced and Remarried. Am I Living in Adultery?”
- Chapter Three-One Thing You Still Lack
- Hurricane Jesus, Part 1
- Chapter Two-Jesus Loves a Rich, Young Ruler, Part 1
- Chapter One–The Untimely Passing of a Wealthy Fool
- Through the Needle’s Eye, Introduction
- Orphan Care or Child Exploitation?
- The End of Political Polarization
- The End of Abortion, Part 2
- The End of Abortion, Part 1
- The End of Misogyny, Part 2
- The End of Misogyny, Part 1
- For Whom Should You Vote? Part 4
- Words for the Working Poor
- For Whom Should You Vote? Part 3
- For Whom Should You Vote? Part 2
- For Whom Should You Vote? Part 1
- Ignorance is Bliss, Temporarily
- More About Fundraising
- Fundraising
- My Tenth Confession
- Tithing to the Local Church?
- The Confessions of a Nonprofit Director, Part 3
- The Confessions of a Nonprofit Director, Part 2
- The Confessions of a Nonprofit Director, Part 1
- A Profit-Making Nonprofit
- Another Look at Nonresistance, Part 2
- Another Look at Nonresistance, Part 1
- When God Sends Mixed Messages
- You Be Jesus (But Not Me)
- The New Gay Bible, Part 2
- The New Gay Bible
- Hairy Men and Smooth Men
- A Homosexual You Will Love
- I Love Homosexuals, and I’m Frustrated
- Food Facts and Fads—Whom Should We Trust?
- The Inward Voice
- The True Grace of God
- Lord, Please Bless This Poison
- A Lot of Profit from a Little Exercise
- Sell Everything? Part 2
- Sell Everything? Part 1
- All Christians Believe “Works” are Essential for Salvation
- The Rich Young Ruler
- Forever Rich, Chapter 6
- Forever Rich, Chapter 5
- Forever Rich, Chapter 4
- Forever Rich, Chapter 3
- Forever Rich, Chapter 1
- The Faith of an Atheist
- The Hell Debate, Part 3 – Annihilationism
- The Hell Debate, Part 2 – Annihilationism
- The Hell Debate – Annihilationism
- How to Keep Poor People Poor
- Christians in Politics?
- Christians for Hitler
- About Time to Abort the Abortionists
- Feedback to “Government Theft”
- Government Theft
- To Ponder with Prayer
- Lend, Expecting Nothing
- Other Than an Occasional Problem With Pride, I Believe I’ve Reached Sinless Perfection
- A Question for My Beloved Calvinists
- As a Father
- A Closer Look at Forgiving
- A Tribute to Michael
- Salvation B.C. and A.D. Part 2
- Salvation B.C. and A.D.
- Infidel for Christ
- Perplexed Without Context
- Laugh, then Cry
- God’s Regrets and Man’s Free Will
- Surprised by Jesus
- Three Lessons from the Lakeland Outpouring and Todd Bentley
- Is This It?
- Pastoring with Less Pain, Part 2 of 2
- Pastoring with Less Pain, Part 1 of 2
- Why?
- I Could Be Wrong About Some Things
- Deeds that Determine Destinies
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Who Can We Trust?
- A Prophet Among Profits
- Jesus, the Greatest Prosperity Preacher
- A Parable about Frank, the Wise Investor
- It’s Time to Try Pond #2!
- Oh, the Luck that Saves Us?
- The Snack We Call Supper
- Lessons from Children
- Only Eunuchs Never Struggle With Lust
- Can a Christian Have a Demon?
- The Day Jesus Lied?
- The Ennoblement of a Secular Vocation
- Straining Out Gnats
- Scaling Down in Disneyland
- Is Greed Only an Attitude?
- Silver and Gold Have I Quite a Large Sum
- American Idol
- What God Wants
- Deception is an Election
- The Inward Voice
- “Judge Not!”
- Hurricane Jesus, Part 2
- A Silly Gospel
- God’s Love/Hate Relationship with the World
- Christian Clichés that Contradict Christ
- Is it Biblical to “Accept Jesus as Your Savior”?
- So Glad for Guilt
- Do I Believe Jesus or Paul?
- The Limits of God’s Grace
- Why the Tsunami?
e-Teachings from 2024
e-Teachings from 2023
e-Teachings from 2022
e-Teachings from 2021
e-Teachings from 2020
e-Teachings from 2019
e-Teachings from 2018
e-Teachings from 2017
e-Teachings from 2016
e-Teachings from 2015
e-Teachings from 2014
e-Teachings from 2013
e-Teachings from 2012
e-Teachings from 2010
e-Teachings from 2009
e-Teachings from 2008
e-Teachings from 2007
e-Teachings from 2006
e-Teachings from 2005