Is Healing in the Atonement?

A Little Lessons Series

Is healing in the atonement? In other words, is healing a part of what Jesus secured for believers when He died on the cross? In this Little Lessons series, David Servant explains his view on this subject, encouraging listeners to have faith in God’s willingness to heal them! Learn more.

Picture of Cross - "Is There Healing in the Atonement?"

Is Healing in the Atonement?

The following excerpt is taken from a transcript of the video above.

Is healing in the atonement? First of all, what does that question even mean? Well, we’re talking about the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his death on the cross that was an atonement, and we often hear the biblical idea that Jesus’s death is the atonement for our sins. That is, it’s the payment for our sins. It made possible the forgiveness of our sins. And that’s universally believed by all true Christians, that Jesus is the sacrifice that atoned for our sins.

But I’m posing the question today, does Jesus’s atoning sacrifice do more for us, provide more for us potentially, at least anyways then the forgiveness of our sins? And specifically does that atoning sacrifice, Jesus’s amazing, incredible loving, compassionate death on the cross for us, does that make provision for physical healing in our bodies?

Now, before we try to answer that question, let’s think of the ramifications of that. If Jesus’s sacrifice does somehow make provision for healing in our bodies, well that would mean that if we’re sick, there’s a potential that we could be healthy and made well. Right? Sure. And it’s interesting to me that a lot of folks will vehemently object to the idea or even the suggestion of the idea that Jesus’s atonement and his sacrifice makes provision for healing in our bodies when in fact everybody, every Christian universally agrees that Jesus’s atonement, provides not only forgiveness of sins, but everything. Everything that any Christian enjoys or ever will enjoy, including eternal life. Including heaven. Right, right. Including new bodies. Right, right.

So it’s so interesting that we’ll stand strong theologically that Jesus’s sacrifice is what makes everything possible. Every blessing that’s possible is made possible through the atoning sacrifice of Christ. It’s not because of our works, it’s because of God’s goodness, his grace and Jesus’s work on the cross. Everything except it doesn’t include healing for our bodies. Even though those same people would have to admit that the Bible is full of the healing benefit.

Can I have an amen out there? Just think for a second about your Bible and ask yourself the general question. Is the Bible have more to say that is kind of pro-healing or does the Bible have more to say about what is kind of anti-healing? Well you don’t have to know your Bible very well to know that the Bible is chock full, stuffed full of stories and promises and miracles of healing that just from cover to cover.

God revealed himself to the Israelites. He said, I’m Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals you. And the Psalmist wrote “Bless the Lord O my soul, let me not forget any of your benefits who forgives all your inequities.” And yikes, what did he say in the next sentence? “Who heals all your diseases?”

God told Israel, “If you obey me, I’ll take sickness out of your midst and fulfill the number of your days.” So they had a covenant that included healing contingent upon obedience. Then the son of God shows up on the scene. The God Of the old covenant shows up in the new Testament. And what is he doing? Oh my goodness. He’s healing people, baskets full of people as it were. His ministry is characterized according to Matthew by three major things: preaching, teaching, and healing.

And again, if you’ve ever read the four gospels, I think I actually counted the verses one time myself, all the verses in the four gospels. And then I counted all those that had something to do with healing or the healing ministry of Jesus. And are you ready for this shocker? One out of every 10 verses in the four gospels has something to do with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. This is not like something that some obscure subject like some people would make it seem to be, right? Right.

Then you work your way through the New Testament. All the promises. “Is any among you sick?” James asks the whole church. Well what should he do? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them anoint him with oil and so forth. And the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick. And if he’s committed sins, they will be forgiven him.

So anyway, I’m just trying to lay down a little introduction, a little foundation here, because obviously we’re going to have to go into the next Little Lesson to answer the overriding question. But, oh my goodness, if you’re a Christian, you ought to have some biblical knowledge of healing because your Bible has a lot to say about healing. Your Jesus, your Savior, one-tenth of everything that is revealed about him in the four gospels concerns his healing ministry.

The Jesus that the scripture says is the same yesterday, today and forever. If our Christianity doesn’t have some component of healing, well, something’s wrong.

Okay. All right. I’m going to stop here because I’m out of time, but we’ll do part two in our next little lesson. And we’re going to try to answer that question, is healing in the atonement? We’ll look at what the Bible says and not what some preacher says. Thanks for joining me. Hope to see you next time.”

Is Healing in the Atonement? (Part 2)

The following excerpt is taken from a transcript of the video above.

If you didn’t see the last Little Lesson, it would be good if you watch that one first, because we lay a little bit of a foundation. So the question is, does Jesus’s atoning sacrifice also include physical healing for our bodies? Every true Christian universally agrees that that atoning sacrifice makes possible the forgiveness of our sins. The new birth, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, son-ship, adoption in Christ, redemption, eternal life, heaven, a new body one day. So everybody agrees that the atoning sacrifice is the only thing that makes these blessings that we receive in Christ possible.

And it is interesting to me that so many Christians are so quick to say that the atoning sacrifice of Christ includes all those benefits that I just listed and many other benefits, but no, it doesn’t include physical healing. And I think some draw that conclusion because they see it as a dangerous conclusion. And if you don’t know any better, I guess you could come to that conclusion. So let me show a little bit of mercy here.

Some folks say, “Well, if healing’s in the atonement, then everyone who’s a Christian would automatically be healed and they’d be healthy, right? And so then we’d have to go from there and conclude that any professing Christian who’s not healthy is not really a Christian.” And so, boy, wouldn’t that cause a lot of havoc? Well, it sure would.

Well, I’ll touch on answering that argument briefly. But I want to get into what the Bible says, not people’s arguments or human logic. And what I’m about to tell you is irrefutable. It can’t be argued against, at least not intelligently.

So would you agree with me that many people whom Jesus healed when He was on this earth in His earthly ministry, He said to them, “Your faith has healed you.” If you’re not saying yes, you might as well move on to something else because there’s sense of us even talking.

Many times Jesus said to people whom He healed, “Your faith has healed you” and they were healed. Now, if they would not have had faith, would they have been healed? Well again, this is irrefutable. Jesus said “Your faith has healed you,” He credited their faith for their healing. So unless you believe Jesus was a liar, if they would not have had faith, they would not have been healed, period. Right? Right. Irrefutable.

Now, here’s the third point. All those people whom Jesus healed because of their faith, it was God’s will to heal them. Can you refute that? You know, that’s pretty hard to refute. You can’t refute that. Obviously it was God’s will for them to be healed. They were healed, but you just agreed with me about 30 seconds ago that if they would not have had faith, they would not have been healed. So, you just admitted, because this is irrefutable, that they would not have been healed even though irrefutably, indisputably, incontrovertibly, it was God’s will for them to be healed. People would not have been healed whom it was God’s will to heal because they didn’t have faith.

Now, people get upset about that. Bless their hearts. They get angry about that because they don’t want to hear that they have anything to do with it at all. We want to push everything off on God and blame Him for anything that doesn’t go the way we like. I’m just telling you to repent and grow up. If I fall dead right here right now because of some sickness that suddenly hits me, that doesn’t change the Bible. And that doesn’t mean it wasn’t God’s will for me to have what the Bible says God wants me to have, all right? It has nothing to do with anybody’s experience. It only has to do with the Word of God.

God wanted all of Israel to enter into the promised land. Did they enter into the promised land? No. Why? Hebrews says two things, because of their unbelief and because of their disobedience, they failed. They didn’t receive God’s will because they didn’t believe.

Now a couple of guys, Joshua and Caleb ultimately got in because they believed, but nobody else over the age of 20 entered. See? God’s will doesn’t always come to pass. When people give these pious religious platitudes, “Well, the Lord’s will is always done.” Oh really? Have you ever read any sentence in the entire Bible? God’s will is rarely done, and that’s why he told us to pray, “May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” That prayer request itself implies that God’s will is not being done on this earth.

All right, so let’s face up to facts. Well, we never got to really look at the Scripture. Okay, so in our next little lesson, we’re going to go into the most famous chapter of the Old Testament to begin to answer this important question, is healing in the atonement? Hope to see you next time. God bless.

Is Healing in the Atonement? (Part 3)

The following excerpt is taken from a transcript of the video above.

I’m so glad you’re still with me because this is a controversial one and we want to be gracious and merciful towards those who would detract, but it’s worth our time. People say, “oh you should not be going into that, that’s dangerous, you’re going to give people hope.” Well, we sure don’t want to give anybody who is ill hope that God might want to heal them, we sure wouldn’t want to do that!

Because, again, the reason people caution against this is because they’ll say that if someone dies, it will hurt the faith of those who prayed for them to be healed. Well, how about looking at it from the other way. What if there are promises in the Bible like “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord oh my soul, and let me not forget any of your benefits, who forgives all your iniquities and who heals all your diseases.”

Now, what if there’s a promise in the Bible like that, which you probably figured out that there is, and your preaching ministry or your teaching ministry is all about how God won’t heal us, or why God won’t heal us, or why we shouldn’t expect God to heal us? Whose side are you on, buddy? And what are you going to say when you stand before Jesus and you say, well I just didn’t want to give people false hope? The Lord’s going to say, “False hope in my promise, promises from cover to cover? One tenth of everything I revealed about Jesus Christ in the four gospels concerns his healing ministry and you didn’t want to fill anybody with hope less they get disappointed?” I wouldn’t want to be you standing in front of Jesus one day.

All right, so stick with me here. I wasn’t born yesterday. We’re going to read from Isaiah chapter 53, the most famous Old Testament chapter. Universally agreed by all Christians of all denominations that this is a prophetic chapter about the coming Messiah and what he would do for us. You’ll recognize it immediately. Isaiah 53 verse number one, “Who has believed our message?” I’m reading from the New American Standard, “and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed. For he,” real soon we find out this is Jesus, “grew up before him,” that’s God the father, “like a tender shoot and like a root out of parched ground. He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon him, nor appearance that we should be attracted him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and like one from whom men hide their face. He was despised and we did not esteem him.”

Do you recognize this? If you’ve been a Christian for a couple of years, surely you’ve heard this passage, okay. Then we come to verse number four. “Surely our griefs he himself bore.” Here’s an atonement going on. Now Jesus is bearing our griefs and our sorrows. He carries. See Jesus was our substitute. He bore our sorrows, our griefs. “We ourselves esteemed him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, but he was pierced through,” now this is verse five, “he was pierced through for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The chastening for our wellbeing fell upon him and by his scourging we are healed.”

I’ll just read a little bit further. You can read the whole chapter some other time. “All of us, like sheep, have gone astray.” Have you ever heard this before? “Each of us has turned to his own way,” but listen to this. Here’s the atonement, “but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him.” Your iniquity, my iniquity, it fell on Jesus. That was his atoning death and sacrifice that made every blessing possible that God’s extending towards you and me and the whole world. We’re in agreement. There’s nobody who could disagree at this point in time that Isaiah 53 is talking about the ministry, the atoning sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, and much more of course.

All right, so I’m going to back up now and show you something that we just read right in the verse before that says all of us like sheep have gone astray, each one of us has turned to his own way, but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to follow him. That’s Isaiah 53:5. Let’s read Isaiah 53:4 again. “Surely our griefs he himself bore and our sorrows he carried.” Nobody who’s a Bible believer, who says they’re a professing Christian, can argue that Jesus, just like he bore our iniquities as we read in verse five, he also bore our griefs and our sorrows. Right? That’s right. Nobody can argue that.

But here’s where it gets very interesting because in the New American Standard there’s a little number one by the word griefs there in Isaiah 53:4. If you go to your margin it says, and I’m going to do that now with my Little Bible program, literally the word is translated in most other places where it’s found in the Hebrew Old Testament as sickness. I think 14 times in other places in the Old Testament where you would find that Hebrew word, choli, C-H-O-L-I. I may not be pronouncing it right. It doesn’t make any difference. Fourteen times it is translated sickness. One time is translated sicknesses. One time is translated sick. Three times is translated illness. Two times it’s translated disease. Are you getting the drift here? Only one time is it translated grief and only one time is it translated griefs, and one time it’s translated affliction. There you have it.

You can do your own study. You could go through the Old Testament and find every place where that word choli is found and you can see how obviously a clear meaning of that word normally is the word sickness. God said, “I’ll take sickness out of the midst of you and I’ll put none of the diseases on you which I’ve put on the Egyptians.” That’s I think in Deuteronomy chapter seven or Exodus 23, one of those places. Clearly, God’s talking about sickness there, irrefutably. So, why did the translators of many translations translate it griefs? Well, because maybe they don’t want it to say sickness I suppose.

Then you keep on going. Surely our sickness he himself bore and our sorrows he carried. That word sorrows in the Hebrew is the word makob, and I may not be pronouncing it right but it’s M-A-K-O-B, and it’s translated in a few other places in the Old Testament, and 10 times that word makob is not translated sorrows. It’s translated pain, 10 times. Once it’s translated painful. You see? An alternate reading of Isaiah 53:4, and we’ve all agreed it’s irrefutable that Jesus bore our griefs and our sorrows, an alternate translation is that Jesus, just like he bore our iniquities, no difference at all in any delineation here by Isaiah, just as he bore our iniquities he also bore our sicknesses and our pains. Okay.

That’s something to think about because that means that there’s something in the atonement of Christ that includes sickness and pains. That’s good news for people that have sickness and pain. Now we’re out of time for today’s little lesson, but if you think this was juicy, wait until the next Little Lesson. Oh my goodness, I’m going to drop the bomb! Okay, so don’t miss it. God bless you.

Is Healing in the Atonement? (Part 4)

The following excerpt is taken from a transcript of the video above.

This is part four of answering the question, is healing in the atonement? Somewhat of a controversial subject, but that’s not going to stop us. It’s never stopped us before. It’s an important subject. You might be saying, “Well, I don’t care about this.” Well, okay. You’re probably not sick, and you probably never will be sick, I guess, and never have a disease, so you don’t care. But, I don’t know, I care because I’ve been sick and I’ve been healed.

And I’m here with a guy in the DR Congo right now, Dick Samuels, who helps lead Heaven’s Family’s Farming God’s Way ministry. We were just talking last night. He had a daughter who was born with spina bifida. That’s monster problems in the spine, oftentimes the spine outside the body. And she had some surgeries when she was little and so forth, but they said she would never walk.

And two years old, she wasn’t walking, she wasn’t even crawling. But Dick and his wife, Patti, were trusting the Lord. And one day, that little girl scooted over to the couch and then stood up and then walked across the room. Eventually she became a great basketball player, cheerleader, etc., etc. The Jewish doctor said, “I don’t even believe necessarily in God, but I’ve got no better explanation for what happened to your daughter than you had a divine miracle.”

So, hallelujah! God is still in the healing business. If you don’t believe that, you need to get back to your Bible. And pastor, if you call yourself a man of God, or if you’re a Bible teacher and you never teach on healing, well then, you’re leaving out an awful lot of stuff that’s in the Bible.

The Bible is pro-healing. Just think about it for two seconds, is the Bible more pro-healing or anti-healing? Is there more reason to believe that God wouldn’t heal you from the Bible? Or is there more reason to believe that God would heal you from the Bible? Well that is a no brainer.

Okay, so we’re looking at a very fundamental question, is healing in the atonement? We know that forgiveness of sins is in the atonement, Jesus died for that. We know that all the other blessings that we get by virtual believing in Christ, or because of the atoning sacrifice of Christ, including a new body one day. So, if our future new bodies we can credit Christ’s atoning sacrifice, why would we ever make the claim that healing of our current bodies isn’t contained in that package? You know, something to think about, right?

And we have just, in our previous Little Lesson, looked at Isaiah 53, where irrefutably it says Jesus bore our iniquities, and it says he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows and, of course, I showed you in the last Little Lesson that in most other places in the Old Testament the words that are translated grief and sorrows were translated sickness and pain.

But today, oh my goodness, I’ve saved a goody for you, because we’re going to go into the New Testament, into Matthew’s Gospel, and wouldn’t you know it, we find Matthew quoting from Isaiah 53:4. And when Matthew under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit quotes the verse that we read in our last lesson, that surely our griefs he bore and our sorrows he carried, (the words that are mostly translated sickness and pains) how does Matthew translate it?

You probably already figured out, let’s start in Matthew 8 and how about verse 14. Jesus heads back to, I think it’s Capernaum, he’s there at Peter’s home. And when Jesus came into Peter’s home, he saw Peter’s mother lying sick in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her and she got up and waited on him. Well, you know, no shock there. Jesus does what he so often does. He’s the Healer.

And when evening came, they brought to him many who were demon possessed, and he cast out the spirits with the word and he healed all, a-l-l, who were ill. If you had been sick and you had been there on that evening, you would have been healed. It would have been God’s will for you to be healed if you had been alive back then. So why we would ever conclude it’s not God’s will for you to be healed today? Just because you weren’t born during the right time or you weren’t at the right place at the right time. Because if you had been there that night, you would have been healed, right? Yeah. Because he healed all who were ill. You would have been healed.

Something to think about. Now, get this, Matthew, under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says, “This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, ‘He himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases.'” Whoo! See? Matthew didn’t quote, “He took our sorrows and our griefs.” Because that’s not what Isaiah said. That’s not what God said through Isaiah. God said, through Isaiah, “Jesus will bear your sicknesses and your pains.” Or in this case, he said, your infirmities and your diseases. That’s what God said that Jesus would carry away.

And anytime some theologian says, “Well, he was just talking about your spiritual diseases and your spiritual sicknesses, because, you know … ” Once they cave in a little bit, they quickly try to recover. “Well, yeah, I agree, the Hebrew actually says sicknesses and pains, or infirmities and diseases, that’s what the Hebrew says. Can’t argue with that. But, Isaiah was talking about our spiritual diseases and our spiritual sicknesses.”

Well, I have no doubt that Jesus also carried our spiritual sicknesses and our diseases, but is that what God meant? Well, Matthew didn’t think so, because Matthew equated the fulfillment, at least part of the fulfillment, of that promise that God made through Isaiah in the physical healing of people who lined up to be healed and were healed physically healed by Jesus in Capernaum on that evening we just read about in Matthew 8.

I’m making a pretty good case here. And it’s not me, it’s the Bible making a pretty good case here.

So, I guess the next objection would be, “Well, yeah, Isaiah’s prophecy was completely fulfilled that night in Capernaum. The few people that Jesus healed then, that’s it. That was the fulfillment of Isaiah 53:4.” Because there’s always these doubters who are always trying to steal everybody’s faith and trying to find a reason that God won’t do what he’s promised. Well, we’ll cover that on our next Little Lesson, but I think you’ve probably figured out what I’m going to say. Because that’s a pathetic argument.

All right, hope to see you next time. God bless you.

Is Healing in the Atonement? (Part 5)

The following excerpt is taken from a transcript of the video above.

We’re considering this question about whether physical healing is included in the atoning sacrifice of Christ one of the benefits provided by the death of Christ. And if you missed the first four Little Lessons, of course, we’ve covered a lot of ground, and I can’t go back. I’m not going to punish the people that watched those already. So if this is your first one, you’re probably making a mistake. Find the other ones and watch those first.

Here’s where we’ve come real briefly. We’ve looked at a chapter in Isaiah, the 53rd Chapter. Irrefutably agreed by all Christians that it’s chock full of references to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. “He himself bore our iniquities,” Isaiah said in Isaiah Chapter 53:5. “Our transgressions he carried and by his stripes we were healed.” And the verse above it, “Just as much as Jesus carried our transgressions and our iniquities, he carried our sorrows and our griefs,” Isaiah said, but we’ve proven beyond any shadow it out that the better translation of those words that are translated sorrows and griefs in many translations is sicknesses and pains because that’s how the identical Hebrew words are translated most times in the Old Testament.

And we don’t have to even worry about that because in our last lesson we went to Matthew Chapter 8:17 where Matthew quotes Isaiah Chapter 53:4 and he says, after Jesus healed a bunch of people, “This was to fulfill what Isaiah said,” and now I’m going to read to you from Matthew 8:17. “This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the Prophet. He himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases.”

So Matthew believed that Jesus didn’t just carry our sorrows and our griefs and our iniquities, but Jesus carried our infirmities and our diseases. And Matthew didn’t believe that it was just our spiritual infirmities and spiritual diseases. Because this quotation of Isaiah 53:4 is in the context of Jesus’s physical healing ministry in which he healed all who came to him. And so here’s what Matthew believed. And if you believe the Bible, this is what you will believe. If you don’t believe the Bible, you will not believe what Matthew believed. Matthew believed that Isaiah 53:4 is a reference to the fact that Jesus carried our infirmities and diseases, and that was the basis on which Jesus healed all those people in Capernaum on that night. Some people will foolishly (I just want to be gracious about this because I want to say imbecilically) say that Isaiah 53:4 was completely fulfilled and it was finished in its fulfillment in that one night in Capernaum where Jesus healed a few people. Now that’s asinine.

Why don’t you claim that when Jesus forgave the woman who was caught in adultery, that this completely fulfilled Isaiah’s promise that Jesus carried our iniquities? It’d be just as foolish. You see, every person who’s ever been forgiven from Adam on, was forgiven on the basis of Christ’s death on the cross. There’s no other way. And anyone who’s ever been healed by God has been healed on the basis that Jesus carried their sicknesses and their diseases in himself on the cross, just like he carried their iniquities. Because you’re not going to be forgiven except by the grace of God through the atoning sacrifice of Christ. And you’re not going to be healed except through the atonement that Christ provided through his grace and through his great mercy on the cross. And that’s what Matthew believed. And so when we read that verse in Isaiah 53:5 which says that Jesus bore our iniquities and carried our transgressions and so forth, and by his stripes we were healed, of course, so many theologians are so quick to say, “Oh, that’s talking about our spiritual sicknesses. We’re healed spiritually.”

Well, how can you say that with a straight face? I mean, just a couple of sentences before Isaiah said, “By his stripes we were healed,” he said, “Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pains.” And Matthew quoted this as infirmities and diseases. Right after Jesus healed people. We’ve made an irrefutable case here, and so to pervert the words of the Holy God spoken through Isaiah and to say that, “By his stripes we were healed,” is only a reference to spiritual healing, how can you look at yourself in the mirror? With that kind of deception that you’re trying to pull the wool over peoples’ eyes when the Bible is so clear. And when people read in 1 Peter 2:24 when Peter quotes from Isaiah 53:5, “By his stripes we were healed,” and then they say, “Peter must have been referring to spiritual healing.” Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

Now, as I made reference to, I think in one of our early Little Lessons on this subject, people say, “Well, this is dangerous because what you’re saying is that everyone who is a Christian will be healed.” Oh no. Au contraire Monsieur. I never said that. Christians can and do get sick. Absolutely. Jesus said, “I was sick and you visited me.” James said, “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church. Let him pray over them. Let him anoint him with oil. The prayer of faith will restore.” So Christians can and do get sick. Paul left Trophimus sick in Miletus. Paul told Timothy, “Take a little wine. Don’t drink water exclusively. Take a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.” And I can talk about that in depth. So Christians do get sick. Sickness is a reality.

Just because you get sick doesn’t mean you’re not a Christian, but your Bible is chock full of examples that make it so plain and simple that even a child can understand it, that a main component in healing is faith. And people get mad about this. Oh, they get so mad about this because they don’t want to hear it. “You’re saying, I’m not healed because I don’t have enough faith.”

Actually, I wouldn’t say that. I might say sometimes we fail to receive healing because we don’t have faith. Because if you have faith like a mustard seed, the Lord Jesus Christ said you can move a mountain. So it’s not a matter of how much faith you have. It comes down to if you have faith, and very few of us have any faith for healing because all the faith that we might’ve had has been robbed from us by these unbelieving preachers who are always telling us why it might not be God’s will for us to be healed and driving us away from the Word of God into people’s experiences rather than the promises, the clear promises of God. God is a healing God. Jesus never turned away anyone who came to him for healing. Many times it says, “He was moved with compassion and he healed people.”

Now there’s much more to be said. I think I’ll say some more about this in our next Little Lessons series just to try to answer folks’ questions. But if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Stay sick, be miserable, don’t have any faith, go on with your life. Enjoy forgiveness of sins. But personally myself, if God’s still in the healing business and I’m sick, I want to tap into that. And I’ll bet there’s many of you that are in that same category. All right. Hope to see you next time. God bless you.