1.) Penetapan Tujuan yang Benar (Setting the Right Goal)
2.) Memulai Dengan Benar (Beginning Rightly)
3.) Melanjutkan Dengan Benar (Continuing Properly)
4.) Gereja Rumah (The House Churches)
5.) Pertumbuhan Gereja (Church Growth)
6.) Pelayanan Pengajaran (The Ministry of Teaching)
7.) Penafsiran Alkitab (Biblical Interpretation)
8.) Khotbah di Bukit (The Sermon on the Mount)
9.) Pengkhotbah yang Disukai Yesus (Jesus’ Favorite Preacher)
10.) Kelahiran Baru (The New Birth)
11.) Baptisan Roh Kudus (The Baptism in the Holy Spirit)
12.) Wanita dalam Pelayanan (Women in Ministry)
13.) Perceraian dan Pernikahan Kembali (Divorce and Remarriage)
14.) Dasar-Dasar Iman (Fundamentals of Faith)
15.) Kesembuhan Ilahi (Divine Healing)
16.) Pelayanan Kesembuhan oleh Yesus (The Healing Ministry of Jesus)
17.) Karunia-karunia Roh (The Gifts of the Spirit)
18.) Karunia-karunia Melayani (The Ministry Gifts)
19.) Realitas dalam Kristus (In-Christ Realities)
20.) Pujian dan Penyembahan (Praise and Worship)
21.) Keluarga Kristen (The Christian Family)
22.) Bagaimana Dipimpin oleh Roh (How to Be Led by the Spirit)
23.) Sakramen (The Sacraments)
24.) Konfrontasi, Pengampunan dan Pendamaian Kembali (Confrontation, Forgiveness and Reconciliation)
25.) Didikan dari Tuhan (The Discipline of the Lord)
26.) Berpuasa (Fasting)
27.) Kehidupan Setelah Kematian (The Afterlife)
28.) Rencana Kekal Allah (God’s Eternal Plan)
29.) Pengangkatan dan Akhir Zaman (The Rapture and End Times)
30.) Mitos Modern tentang Peperangan Rohani, Bagian 1 (Modern Myths about Spiritual Warfare, Part 1)
31.) Mitos Modern tentang Peperangan Rohani, Bagian 2 (Modern Myths about Spiritual Warfare, Part 2)